Why does it look like coffee coming out of my car?
I recently changed my water pump on a mercury montego. I have had so
many issues with this vehicle. I am now just trying to figure out the problem
and sell it.
I replaced the alternator twice. I also bought a brand new battery. I replaced
the water pump and fluids. The car now will turn on only with a jump. Even
with the brand new battery. There is a small hole in the hose at the bottom.
Of what I don't know. I can see light brown fluid coming out and lesking fast.
It sorta looks wet along the oultside of my engine block. I was told possibly
be a mechanic that my fluids could have mixed?? I had issues with the car
overheating and not keeping fluid. I wasn't aware of a leak . But was not
keeping fluid. The car will not stay on. I have people telling me I might need a
new engine, I could need a new thermostat housing.. ? I am just not sure and
would like to know what went wrong and if it's worth fixing before I put more
money into this vehicle? Any Montego experts out there?