Diagnosing remotely is a shot in the dark at best! I just want to mention the the easiest method to detect potential failures is by reading "codes" OBDII port! in 2016 you can use your smart phone with an app,and a dongle to monitor simple basis functions as well as read some of the vehicles codes... qwhx, General electrical issues all get checked in logical order Simple to complex 1. battery and all connections OK 2. FUSES ALL and RELAYS on todays vehicles there are sometimes Multi up 3 powerboxes! ? 3.BCM (body control module) Today its not uncommon for vehicles to have 100+ embedded modules involved in sub system functions. 4. Wiring harnesses and switches. wires short out insulation rubs off them etc. switches wear and break. Check all wires in all doors. Check all grounding points. Check wiring to gauges. The list goes on and on with possible causes for the same symptoms that you have described, the problem is not many people come back and post the solutions once they find them... if they find them. Just a GENERAL POST not aimed at qwhx Regards