On 2007 mazda cx 9 grand touring is red KEY sign on
12 Answers
Red key light usually means the battery in the fob needs to replaced.
Ok, not being a smart butt here, is the battery installed correctly? Are the metal contacts that hold the battery damaged in any way?
Smart key works but not the buttons on the doors for locking and unlocking?
So you can start the car but the lock, unlock, trunk and alarm buttons on the key fob do not work? Am I correct?
From outside there are buttons on the doors for locking and unlocking doors without bringing the key out.
Ahhh ok sounds like the fob needs to be reprogrammed. The car can't tell that the proximity key is present so it won't unlock the doors.
Mechanics gave me code B1131
Did they tell you what that code is? Or is that he code for the antenna?
Is circuit failure. Just Google it