there are 6 torx head holding ring on the rotor but two are broken! a horrible noise present when driving& gets worse the faster you go. i don't know what to check or parts to order.
6 torx bit screws holding disc onto the rotor-two heads broken off? bad low
growling noise gets progressively worse the faster acceleration. is this
wheel bearing? I don't know what parts to order? I jacked the van up & tried
to wiggle the tire;it didn't wiggle then took tire off & found the torx 2 screws
broke. I grabbed the rotor & tried to wiggle rotor but it was stiff?? does
anybody have advice on diagnosis?????????? I worked 42 years in
operations & production for 5 steel companies. I made all the steel for all
the vehicles. I am not a mechanic but I can get things apart & usually fix
things?? i would like to know what parts to order.???!!!!?????