Smoking from engine compartment, losing oil
3 Answers
Find the oil leak and repair it. I would like around the exhaust pipe area as thats the only way oil when leaking will vaporized. Maybe a valve cover gasket / Oil Pressure switch something like that Good Luck
Common problem is the CCV system failure, especially if in a cold climate where condensation that builds up under short stop and go driving and this freezes blocking vacuum and enabling engine to suck oil into the intake causing huge amount of smoke out exhaust, and in your case, problably blew out valve cam cover gasket which is leaking down onto exhaust manifold. If you have never had a valve cover gasket leak before, sooner or later you will, especially when CCV failure or blockage happens. Don't drive car without replacing CCV hoses or you will have further issues.
This is a typical valve cover gasket problem. Be sure that the mechanic doesn't overtighten the valve cover when he replaces it, or the same symptoms will resurface and it will cost $400 for a new valve cover. You can do this job yourself if you have a socket wrench and YouTube.