my toyota solara has over 1000,000 miles on it and i never changed the timing belt and my car runs great so why should i have to change the belt?
7 Answers
Because the belt gets old and deteriorates and could break. Depending on the engine in there it could be an interference engine, and if the belt broke you would wipe out the head and valves, which is a lot more expensive to fix.
Your way over due to get it changed, get it changed out.
That's 100 thousand, not one million miles as your header suggests, correct??
100,000 miles is the upper limit for this, if you DON'T change it now and have a belt failure, it's going to ruin your engine.... I'm sure that you don't want this....Rowefast is absolutely correct... I'm sure it is a nice car...You wouldn't drive with the top down in the rain either????
By the way, the timing belt change is a "maintenance item" --- not a repair... And, in case you were unaware, this is the best time to change the water pump, and all belts. Your car has done very well up to now, don't be pennywise and pound foolish.
If you're off one tooth on a crankshaft will it run different