noise in timing gear cover area. sounds like a new years eve noise maker only more plastic sounding

Asked by roadkilled Jan 26, 2016 at 05:00 PM about the 2009 Chevrolet Aveo 5 LT Hatchback FWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

my aveo timing belt had a grommet in it from the factory. one day it let lose
and made a lot of noise. after a while at idle it toned down, but still there. i
replaced the belt and pulleys. belt was still in tact and the timing marks
were still good. so no engine damage. noise still there and a loss of power
was present. now noise only is there after idle over 1000 rpm what's the
noise and where's the grommet? not there when i did the new belt.

2 Answers

Timing belts don't have grommets so it is hard to say what the problem is. Did you change out the tensioner and idler wheels when you installed the new belt? If not I recommend that you do.

it did have a grommet in it....i couldn't believe it either when i saw it. i did replace the tensioner and idler pulleys. could that grommet have gotten stuck behind a cam gear and is still making trouble? if not where'd the grommet go. its completely enclosed by shrouds.

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