2009 ford escape o2 and o2 heater monitors will not set
Asked by Guru9Z1SD Feb 10, 2024 at 09:40 PM about the 2009 Ford Escape Limited V6 AWD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
I have a 2009 Escape, 3.0 ltr, 106000 mi. monitors will not reset for some
reason , I have done several drive cycles to no avail. have currently driven 500
miles trying o get the O2 and O2 heater monitors to set,
12 Answers
beatupchevy answered about a year ago
Where there any codes coming up or did you replace anything recently ? Can you elaborate on " O2 heaters "
2 codes came up when I went for NYS inspection. replaced both vvt solonoids and EGR, Thank You for the help Ricky
This is what shows on my tester oxygen sens Mon, inc oxygen sens Htr, inc Does anyone have any ideas???
Do you have live data on your scanner? If so switch to O2 monitor and see what the sensors are actually doing as far as voltages go.
In order to get all the readiness monitors to set your gas gauge must be between one quarter and three quarters. If the gauge is above three quarters or below one quarter some of the readiness monitors will not set because the computer won't run the tests on those systems to set the readiness monitors no matter how much or how far you drive the vehicle. Hope that helps! Jim
So far No good, James, I have a half a tank of gas and have maintained that during these drive cycles. But good advice. Also am not running heater or cruise while driving or warm- up in the morning. Gene, I don't have live data but have contacted one of the techs I know that has a snap on that i can look at to see if anything, that was going to be my next step. No codes are being set and no check engine light, I now have over 600 miles. I thought maybe the cold temp, 32 - mid 40's was possibly causing it so I kept it in the garage with the heat on all night twice and still no change . Willing to try any suggestions at this point. Thanks
Maybe try not warming it up for a few mornings. Just start it up and go. Just a thought. Hope that helps! Jim
At this point I think that the live data is the way too go, you may have bad O2 heater circuits inside the sensors themselves.
Huge Thank You to Everyone, Took the car to a master Tech friend at the dealership, He used a Snap-On scanner and found nothing wrong looking at live data, stated everything looked fine and suggested keep driving it. Did not feel that changing out the O2 sensors would make any difference. Been starting it every day and driving it to no avail. Yesterday went for a drive for Pancakes, 90 miles each way, checked when home and still incomplete. This morning 6 inches of snow, let the car warm up while snow blowing driveway, drove car around the block (5 miles), Checked when I got home and everything is OK, 865 miles before it reset. Crazy, Thanks everyone and I guess some are stubborn so just gotta keep trying and driving.
That's awesome! Very glad it finally set!! Thanks for the follow up and letting us know! You're welcome and always glad to help!! Jim
At least they finally set. I’ve never had O2 sensors take anywhere near that long to reset. Thanks for letting us know.
GuruDVFZKM answered 6 months ago
I am curious to hear the codes that were being set by the oxygen sensor