Do hybrid cars depreciate faster?
13 Answers
enginecreator answered 8 years ago
In our world time frame yes, at this time cost to go green is high and a charge your willing to absorb to be ecco friendly. Because they want you feel that its your fault for killing the planet. Its just a cycle don't buy into it None of can direct or change weather cycles.
enginecreator; look, I'm asking about the resale value of cars, not the concept of whether people should subscribe to the political reality of climate change....I certainly can see where you stand on this issue...
The hybrids are complex machines with expensive battery packs and other trick gizmos all over the vehicle- as such, no one, except the criminally insane would anticipate owning one for 20 years- it would cost too much to maintain and repair- and in 20 years we will be driving solar cars anyway- or somethin' you get the idea- these cars are designed and built to be obsolete, and thrown away like old Kleenex when their life span is over- it makes no sense to buy a used one- they are just the fad of the moment- most people get this and are not willing to buy a used one- hence the low resale value- don't believe me? then try to imagine lines of restored Priuses (or whatever the plural is, Priae? idk) rolling across the stage at Barrett Jackson in 20 years- lol- ain't gonna happen, bro- they are bad investments-
Interesting that you wrote this below,. "these cars are designed and built to be obsolete, and thrown away like old Kleenex when their life span is over- it makes no sense to buy a used one- they are just the fad of the moment- most people get this and are not willing to buy a used one- "
Really, ....."a fad" ?? Well, regardless , they do get 50 MPG? A lot of people who like paying less for fuel are driving them and I see almost all taxi cabs are Toyota Prius cars......some with over 250,000 miles...... And, there's a lot of generation one PRIUS cars still on the road, that's 15 years.....your comments on this?
enginecreator answered 8 years ago
You ask why, if they do depreciate and I told you why and I agree with jamnblues most people get this. Yes that is where I stand.
enginecreator answered 8 years ago
There is no actual reality of climate change, Only those political that are pushing a false reality of climate change, to make money.
enginecreator- OK, I understand exactly where you stand despite the fact that the polar ice caps are melting , see this article below, environment/wp/2015/05/27/climate-skeptics-think-you-shouldnt- worry-about-melting-polar-ice-heres-why-theyre-wrong/? utm_term=.6bd2e39f6c8f
enginecreator-. Yes, how about those cycles? You think we can afford to wait that long? Oh well, this article might be a problem for your argument which is RIDICULOUS., I see that you subscribe to the concept of "don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up", You know, that these articles are written by real scientists,. Sorry.
lol religion versus vehicles on here!! The 05 I had I gave away with 186330 on it to a college kid and is still running strong with not 1 mechanical issue since purchase! I think half the problem on here is a bias to the Prius that is a severely undereducated pleonasm! Last month the kid drove it 1308 miles to visit a friend and used 28 gallons of fuel.
Mike, yes...45 great!! The only "wild card" beyond 10 years... we're on our 9th year..the hybrid battery is still under warranty....its either 10 years or 150,000 miles in California....Well.... I have a friend who had a 2007... went over 10 years and experienced a complete failure of the hybrid battery... totally disabled the car... Now, I seriously don't think this is happening to everyone... but, you never know. It pays to be lucky. the way... my mechanic can certainly install an aftermarket battery with a 3 year guarantee...for about $3, friend with the 2007... said that the replacement cost for the battery is about the same value as the car...
Replacing a Toyota Prius battery really costs that much? I thought it was closer to under $1k...