2010 Mazda 3 Dead Battery Issue
I have a 2010 mazda 3 S grand touring. I drive the
car once a week, sometimes less. Sometimes
when I go to use it, the battery is dead flat, other
times it can sit for 2 weeks and start right up.
Today, I tried to see if I could find a parasitic draw
by metering the voltage between the negative post
and the ground and pulling each fuse 1 by 1. I
couldn't find anything so for now I put in a twist
disconnect on the negative post so I could let it sit
without a constant draw. The battery was shot
from being drained a bunch of times so I replaced
it with a new gel cell, but on the way back from
getting the new battery, the car would stall
everytime I stopped or shifted into neutral. If I keep
it in gear it keeps running, but seems to be a little
rough. Does anyone know of any common issues
with parasitic draws for this car? Also, does having
the battery disconnected do something to the car
where it would run poorly or stall like this? I'm
wondering if disconnecting the battery when I'm
not using it is doing more harm than good and
maybe I should just keep it on a battery render. Any
input would help.