Sudden acceleration from fully stopped position....
2010 Kia Forte Koup....Just turned 30150 miles (vehicle not driven far)...Several hours
ago seconds after making a full stop upon completion of a right turn into traffic, vehicle
begins rapid acceleration to 5000 rpm....immediately shifted into neutral at same time
realizing my brakes were unable to be depressed downward to slow down.....My brakes
seemed 2 B totally non-functional.....Pulled vehicle over 2 curb gradually (Just very lucky
no-one was In front of me.....Vehicle still revving @ little over 5000 rpm....Only way 2 stop
my vehicle was 2 turn off the key... Then eventually shifted it into park.Made several
attempts 2 get my vehicle going correctly but my brake pedal was just unmovable...I
pressed a reset button under the dash, directly behind the steering wheel for several
seconds, and released it.... (I have no IDEA why I did this, but I guess in desperation, and
the notion of having 2 hire and pay for a flatbed 2 move my car I said "What the fu*#" ! At
that point I would have done anything to get it started....Few minutes later my car started
without problem....Just wondering if the "Learning Transmission" or the fact that the car
just pushed passed 30000 miles may have had anything 2 do with this near fatal screw-
up...Just ask my wife after she peed her pants in the passenger seat......Hope we
helped......THANKS KIA.....