2011 2500HD Vibration

Asked by 08LTZ Jul 14, 2011 at 05:12 AM about the 2011 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD LT Crew Cab 4WD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

I have had a shaking problem since I bought it. Dealer does not want to accept my
complaint. First said it was tires. Next that is the way it drives . They don't want to accept
take it in for service , because it would be recorded and they would lose there truck of the
year status.Does anyone else have the same problem

44 Answers


I also have a vibration issue. I have the 2011 crew cab ltz, z71 with 8600 miles. Recently tried wheel balancing and swapping........didn't fix. Will be taking it in again soon. My vibration starts around 60 and gets a little more noticeable about 70. What are your conditions and how many miles do you have on your truck?

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I too have a vibration problem with my 2011 Sliverado 1500 LT extended Cab. On my first trip the mechanic replaced 3 tires . Seemed to help some but problem still presist at speeds from 45-70 mph. Most noticable around 70 mph though. I drove truck about 200 miles yesterday all interstate miles. The vibration while not consistent was really noticable during much of the trip. Truck is back at shop now. If anyone has a 2011 Silverado that has had this issue, would you please post what the resolution was if it has been fixed?

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I have a 2011 chevy silerado as well, I have vibration at 40-80mph, Dealer replaed the drive shaft, Balanced the tires 3 times, I still have the shake, Goin back to the dealer again, 5th time, 4000 miles on my new truck, They will be fixing this problem, I dont give up that easy, While this is not somthing i want to do with a brand new truck, Chevy will have to deal with me till this is fixed,

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I too have a 2011 chevy silverado club cab same issues been in the shop 3 times 1st time put 3 new tires on ,next time took it to a diff chevy dealer they put cushioning in the front end.that didn't solve the prob .took it back and they replaced the 4th tire and that didn't solve the prob. the second dealer said it can't be fixed. I notified GM and GM appointed a rep to drive the truck. took rep for drive and he felt the vibration in the pass seat. gave me a paper stating that this is a problem with the truck and suggested to drive around with 500lbs in the back might help. this I don't think I really want to do since I only get 13 miles per gallon. He said it's my problem they can't help me! THIS IS NOT EXCEPTABLE!!!! Is it my mistake because I bought a chevy? has anyone gotten a resolution to this ovious problem the truck has?

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All sounds very familiar...I have a 2011 2500hd ext cab 4x4 with a vibration between 38-45 mph unless it is loaded or hauling my fifth wheel. Then it changes and vibrates at a higher speed. My mechanic blames it on the two rear cab mounts and wants to replace them...

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Sounds like alot of truck owners are having this same prob Gm knows it's a problem but unwilling to help us out!!!

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I have a brand new 2012 Chevy 2500hd with less than 600miles on the clock and im having the same issues! The truck has been to the dealer twice now. Jim

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Chevy suck's, Custumer service sucks, All i ask that if you pay 35k for a vehicle it is safe, No my POS. my dealer just wants me to keep droping it off, Says all is good 2 drive shafts later, WOW its still there, I swear they hire kids and i get kid work out of them. Chevy strongest long lasting truck my butt,

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I have the same vibration problem in my 2011 Silverado Crew Cab. Most noticeable on smooth asphalt roads above 60 mph. Dealership has been very helpful and tried all the tire/wheel/body mount fixes. Vibration still there, but can't fault the dealership, they did anything I asked. Drove other new trucks at the dealership and it seemed they all had the vibration. Everyone is stumped, and no fixes coming from GM. Anyone have an idea?

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Thinking it could be in the rear drive shaft angle telescoping the vibration to the front so it always seems like tire shake...Dodge had the same problem a few years back ('041/2) and we had to shim the rear end to change the angle. No one seems to want to listen to me...

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i too am having a problem with my 2013 silverado 1500 x-cab.the dealer says its a common characteristic of the truck.im a die hard chevy man,but this has me furious.im a mechanic by trade in kingman az.ive talked about the problem with the owner of the local drive shaft shop.he has fixed this problem on a few trucks.the best way to explain it is,the drive shafts are too long.there should have been a two piece shaft.think of a jump rope,whenan aluminum shaft that length flexis just a little it starts acting as a whip.thats not good.how long will the trans tail housing bushing and seal last not to mention the damage its doing to the pinion.im having a drive shaft replaced this week im pretty sure its not gonna fix it.im gonna find out how my warranty may be affected if i install a two piece shaft myself.ill post later with the outcome.i cant believe gm knows of this problem for years and still building the same truck.

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2009 Chevy Silverado 2500HD. Just started noticing the vibration at around 47,000 miles. Happens right around 45-50 mph. I just had all my tires balanced and the pickup aligned and I have new tires. Haven't talked to anyone from Chevy about it yet but after reading a few different forums it sounds like it may just be a waste of time. I'm with Lilly in thinking this is only going to start a cascade of failures down the road...

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I have a 2005 2500hd duramax with same problem, vibration when in torque situation. Shimming transmission support of 3/8 inch did the job After 20,000km rubber support of transmission is compress! , and angle of drive shaft faulse.

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I have no answer! The exact problem with no good answer. At 52 Miles per hour, the rear end starts to bob up and down as if the hubs are warped. I was told the same things, "it tires, the truck is old , it's not on us. What I believe to be the problem, The rear end is skewed from having weight in the bed. My theory is the alignment of the axle casing is not true and the result is an oblong motion being picked up from less than perfect tires. I am going to measure the alignment and see if it is true. Keep you posted

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If the truck is still under warranty take it to a dealer and have them put a damper on the steering column

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I have a 2013 Silverado HD with a vibration between 65-80 mph. Just drove 4 brand new 2014 Duramax HDs at the dealer today and they all vibrate. I have tried tires, driveshat balance, checked all drive angles and it is still bad. Drove mine without the rear drive shaft in and that helped but don't know why.

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I had the same problem that erveryone is complaining about with my 2011 Silverado. Because of Wisconsin's lemon law, Chevelot gave me a new 2013 truck. It doesn't have the vibration.

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I have the vibration also. 2012 2500HD 6.0 Crew Cab. My wife wants me to sell it. She can't stand riding in it at times because of the vibration. Been through the same with dealers and no fix. The problem I'm having getting rid of it is, Every dealer I go to for a trade (Ford) notices it and low balls me. I'm stuck with it. STEP UP GM!!!!!

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I had one of the First 2500hd 2011 Trucks and had the problem since it was new, It's been back to the Dealership a lot, I just took it back again 1/14/2014 with the same problem, I believe chevy knows what the problem is, they do not what to fix it because it will cost a fortune. The only way to get this issue fixed is to do a "Class Action Law Suite"

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I am trying to get more info. Does your 4500 have a 1 piece or 2 piece drive shaft?, and has it been to the dealership for the problem?

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I just purchased a used Chevy 2011 2500hd crew cab with 37K miles about two weeks ago. Has run great around town. Had a few short trips on Interstate and did notice some (I thought) tire vibration. This past week-in drove 300+ miles and noticed the vibration. Today Monday while driving on Interstate this vibration started and was much worse between 60 and 70 mph. I slowed down and the shake was still there but not as bad. Sped up and vibration was not as bad as before. Sure hope GM will come out with a fix for this even if they will not warranty this problem

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http://youtu.be/t4jyWY7ZpBU this makes the body shakes www.proviso- systems.co.uk/vibration...faq/what-is-vibration-analysis‎..get the hertz and will know were vibration is coming from

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I have the same problem with my 2012 2500 HD... It has had this problem since it was new.. When my kids rode in it for any long distance they would feel sick. My tires would cup on the out sides of the tire as well as in the center. After 6,000 miles they would be 1/8 inch high and low spots. I have taken it to the dealer more times than I can count. I bought new tires so they could prove the problem. The last 2 time I was at the dealer the had me wait 3 hours longer than I had to. When I asked if my truck was finished they told me that it had been finished for hours.. That was their ploy to keep me from coming back. I have been dealing with this problem for 2 years. I am now taking it to another dealer hoping to rectify the problem.. I hate this truck... It is my 4th new Chevy truck in 18 years and I just bought an Equinox for my wife.. If this problem is not taken care of I WILL NOT BUY ANOTHER CHEVY TRUCK AGAIN!

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I've gone to the dealership regarding this problem many times as well. They tried blaming it on my tires or my wheels so I had them put brand new wheels/tires on it from a pickup off the lot and it didn't fix anything. They then said it was my drive line and that I needed to get it spin- balanced but they won't cover that under warranty. The last time I went in before finally giving up, they let most of the air out of the tires and said they fixed it. All it did was mask the problem and reduce my MPG. I went to Les Schwab Tires and they told me it was the "cheap" tires that I had on there (since they weren't Toyo's) and said that new tires would fix it; but I didn't tell them about my dealership experience so needless to say I also lost faith in Les Schwab after their little ploy. My warranty is about up and it's making me sick just thinking about the costs if something should start failing because of this vibration issue...

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It will start with the mirrors.. Then I assume ball joints and bushings will follow. I am out of warranty and just pissed off. If something isn't done then I say again I will never buy a GM product again. Hell, if they just gave me another truck then I would be happy. Give me a very good trade in price for it.

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my 2011 2500 hd shakes like a washing machine. bought it new, went to dealer new tires ,new drive shaft, new wheels nothing worked. Dealer tried, GM sucks . this is my 8th chevy truck and my last.


Have GM install a damper shock on the steering collumn.GM sold these trucks and didn't put a damper shock and they were suppose to. Put this on and you will love your truck again.

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GM sold their trucks without a damper shock on the steering .install a damper shock on the steering and it will take care of the problem. GM purposely left this off .i was told but a worker at a dealer. Have them install it. And you will love your truck again. I have been extremely dissatisfied with their lack of costumer caring..

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Gentlemen, I am a retired GM master tech, trust me on this answer. Your vibration is due to a faulty ring and pinion in the rear end. Measure backlash at 10 different points and you will find that it can vary by up to .008. Replace them with a good aftermarket gear set, NOT GM.

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i bought new michelin tires and had it put on a road force machine, the tire store replaced two new tires and my truck is finally smooth at all speeds. It took a diligent tire man to get it right, the dealer gave up.

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There is a new Force Tire Balancer out on the market, when I took my 20" wheels and tires back down to Chevrolet (I'm running 18s right now) they had the new Force Machine there and checked my 20" wheels and tires with it against the one they had been using, 3 of the tires and wheels were out of balance and could be brought back in balance and the 4th tire could not be brought back to tolerance, and there old Road force balancer said they were all good. I still have my original 20" original 20" wheels along with the 4 sets of tires on them and Chevrolet has not done a Darn Thing about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.


2011 2500hd ....ran flawless until 52k. Got new tires and brakes at dealer and have had vibration ever since. Second set of tires, u joints replaced, road force balancing several times, still vibrating. Did the ring and pinion thing work ou tfor anyone? Any more info?...I am ready to bail and try a ford soon!

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My 2013 Silverado 2500 vibration was mostly 65-75 mph. After 3 different sets of Michelon tires I switched to Firestone. Problem solved. 15 out of 20 Michelon ltx tires we tested on a road force balancer failed horribly

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I test drove two brand new 2015 Sierra 3500hd diesel trucks today. They both had intermittent vibration that felt like out of balance tires. I have a 2011 that has had the problem since I took out a sidewall on factory tires and replaced them with Michelins. Factory tires were fine. Rebalanced three times and run low air pressure. Thought I would trade up to get rid of problem only to find the two I test drove were worse. Dealer told me that just the way they are. Just for kicks tried a new f350 on same stretch of highway and found it to be a lot smoother. Problem is I don't want to switch brands. I guess Ill keep mine for a while longer.

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I have a 2015 ltz crew. it has had i vibration since day one. we have balance the wheels a dozen times. the last time we balance the wheels on the in and outside, it helped the roughness around town. 65 to 75 on the interstate the vibration is still there. very frustrating ! i am very happy with the truck otherwise.dealer doesn't know what to do.Dont know what to do about it.

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What size wheels are on it?, if they are 20's try a set of 18's if there is any at the dealership and see if that fixes the problem.


I don't have the answer ,yet.....2004 2500HD crew cab 4x4 sb..... I have the same issue at 45-50 mph,starts bucking like a bronco.....WTF?

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Normal. I have an 09 with 87k miles. Mine does this also right around 45. I have aftermarket 4.56 gears, 6" lift, air bags in the rear, aftermarket shocks, new u joints, new carrier bearing, 33" tires, 20" wheels, and new brakes. It does this intermittently when empty. It has done this every step of the way. Problem is it's meant to carry lots of weight. If your empty and hit bumps the right way at the right speed, the rear vibrates like this. I did not do any of these "fixes" to fix the problem. I just accepted it as a bi-product of a heavy duty leaf sprung vehicle. Science would also seem to suggest since designed to be carrying weight, the rear shocks would not be in their "ideal" range until compressed to the position they were designed to function in loaded, therefore allowing the stiff springs to bounce a bit at the top of their range. By the way, if your driving empty all the time and dealing with this shake, why did you need a 2500/3500? The 1500's I've had a ridden in don't seem to have this problem, likely because there not intended to be carrying as much weight and have softer rear suspensions.

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Also, vibrations can transfer through the driveline, making it feel as if it's coming from elsewhere. This is why you will sometimes notice it feels like the front is vibrating as this happens. Perfect case in point, around 80k miles I had a feeling like the right front passenger tire was getting out of balance and 2 or 3 balances did not fix. I then chased it down to a worn rear u-joint. Replaced the joints and the front vibe was gone. If you have a 4x4 it's all connected through the driveshafts, and even when front is not engaged the vibes can still transfer through.

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This is a driveline angle problem. I am a technician myself, and I had purchase a brand new 2016 Silverado quad-cab, short box Z71. Terrible harmonic vibrations at 55-70mph, the worst was 68-72, the whole truck vibrated in a low harmonic make-your-brain-bleen kinda way. I left it at the dealer three times, and they tried swapping driveshafts, then ordering a driveshaft for it telling me that it needed to be made specific for that VIN number, which is ridiculous and absurd, and really pissed me off becasue they were blowing smoke. THe problem with these is the factory pinion angle.. its too low. Likely it is set to be in spec with a heavy load on but when the rear suspension isnt under load, the rear pinion angle is wrong! I showed them, I told them, they refused to shim it. I told them that we were done at that point and I pursued a lemon-law buy-back and was successful. If you chose that route research the law in your state and be prepared to quote it becasue GM will try and strong- arm you into paying more than youre legally required to. I walked away with a check for $2800, which was everything I had paid into it, minus $0.10/mile for every mile it had on it when you FIRST reported the problem. If you want to fix this yourself, you need tapered rear axle shims. They will be placed between your spring pack and the spring perches on your rear axle. The angles of your existing setup need to be measured so that the correct taper shims are used. Take it to a 4x4 or driveline shop if you want someone else to do it for you. Dont bother with the dealership, you might as well piss up a rope. I could have fixed this myslef, but the principle of the thing prevented me from doing so, and then when they started lying to me, I dug in hard, and they now own it.

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Engine/trans angle is incorrect, doesn't match rear end pinion angle, not even close. But moving the trans angle up effects the 4 x 4 front pinion so who knows how that will be effected.

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