2012 vw cc won't start


Asked by ramrod30 Dec 01, 2016 at 12:19 AM about the 2012 Volkswagen CC 2.0T Sport FWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

when i put the key in to start the car it will sit there and just crank wanting to
start and will not start..i just changed the battery last month all the lights dash
and radio turn on..i took out the back seat changed the fuel module..the fuel
pump turns on...i checked a majority of the fuses they all seem good but there
isn't labeling so hard to tell which one goes where..the starter seems good..it
has gas in it..im not sure what other options there are..please help

15 Answers


well you checked fuel so now start checking air ways and spark. Its likely you have a couple fouled plugs causing it to not run it could also be the ignition unit. is your key kinda loose when you put it in ?

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thank you for replying!!! the key is not loose when i put the fob in.. its just weird the whole car is just acting normal but just won't start.. so yesterday i bought a diagnostic and ran it and what came up was the cam/crank shaft sensor and low rpm thing.. so today we were going to try swapping the sensor out and checking the spark plugs.. i will keep you updated thank you

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kk yea if the cam sensor is acting up it can cause the car to not start. Keep your eyes open for signs of corrosion as well on any wires.

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we swapped both sensors out.. the car is getting fuel and spark.. airways are good.. is there like a computer mainframe in the car that is stopping sensors from working?

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no corrosion..i was told from a local mechanic it could possibly be something like a tipm system that could be burned out and could effect the whole car from working kind of like a brain

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ok try this then. This may require you to get the throttle realigned (can be done with rosstech gear, Alternatively can be done manuely turn key to power on then power off wait til clicking stops.) Disconnect the battery remove both cables and then touch them together. This will effectively reboot the entire car leave the car for approximately 15 minutes to insure all charge is gone from the car. this will reset any computers in the car that could be causing issues. re hook the battery up and then turn to power on and do the realign. You should hear the throtle body clicking wait for it to stop then try starting the car.

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also if you have the codes that came up post them. and regular obd testers do not function correctly for VW's and audis they only show the surface issues. Rosstech software is the appropriate software for the car to scan it. Requires a usb harness and a laptop.

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thank you very much for your help.. i actually just ended up taking it into vw and they said it isn't not getting compression and they are looking at it right now!! and let me tell you it is not cheap they still can't even find out why

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so the valves are bent in the engine and they say i need a new engine but i don't think its worth it to buy a new engine its more than what the car is worth

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the only way the valves could be bent would be from a timing belt or chain breaking. So i would bring it up the chain and get them to pay for this cause there is no way you could bend the valves other wise. This would only be considered a defect in the engine itself.

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There is a faulty timing chain tensioner on those TSI engines. Once the timing chain looses tension it will jump and eventually will bend the valves. This is a very common problem with these cars VW knows it and is offering a new updated version tensioner to replace the old stile. But you need to replace it before it fails.

5 people found this helpful.

My car was in accident running great but I keep get. Code PO234

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I have 2012 cc but i face a problem when the car turned on and after few minutes I turned off it and if i like to start again it take some times to start up again Any one can help these problem depend on what?

1 people found this helpful.

Hello. Please, what happen with your car vw cc. In this moment I have the same problem. My car crank but do not start... Thank you...

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