Died while driving down road then won't start- fuel related?
2002 Chrysler 300m. I was driving down the road
and it gave no warning and just died. I was able to
coast it off the road into parking lot and it will not
start back up. It's like it's not getting any gas. I had
a code reader hooked up and it shows "0 codes".
I've read that fuel pump or other fuel related probs
won't show up on a code reader. In looking at
forums others have said possible...
Fuel pump or fuel relay sensor (which there are 2)
Timing belt
Has anyone had this happen? And what was your
issue? What did you have to replace? And how do
you know which theory (or parts) to replace? I
don't want to just start throwing money and parts
at it. I can't afford to. Any info would be greatly
appreciated! Thank you!
2002 Chrysler 300M owner - Michelle