I have a knocking noise, can anyone help?


Asked by David Mar 06, 2017 at 03:26 AM about the 1999 Chrysler 300M FWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

I have a Chrysler 300m and there is a knocking noise every time I turn left or
right. It almost sounds like a popping sound. My wife had a shop look at it and
they say shocks (which I purchased). When I go over bumps it seems to be
smooth. Does anyone have any ideas on what this could be?

1 Answer


There are struts on the front that in-close, hold the coil spring. That strut turns as you turn right or left. The coil spring has pressure on it sitting in the cups. So normally it is the bottom of the coil spring that will give, slide, in the cup it is resting in causing a popping sound. Struts also will make a creaking noise that comes from the protective boot around the shaft of the strut. One could try and get some grease along the bottom of the cup for the spring to be able so slide easier so it does not pop.

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