Complete lock out
It all started with a kiss (lol)... I bent over to kiss my wife while the key fob was
in my pocket. Doing so accidently pressed the panic button, and there my
problems began. I pressed the panic button again to disarm the alarm which
worked. However, the car is in lockdown now. I tried restarting with the start
button. No luck. Then i pulled the button out and inserted the key to start it
that way. I turned it to start and... nothing. When I turned the key back to the
off position it turned but the car will not release the key out. Its being held
hostage in the ignition. ...needless to say neither the remote nor the dash
button will release the trunk to access the battery. When i crawled in the back
seat to pass through the seatback, i realized the storage bin/grocery bag
holder is assembled there and apparently cant be removed from the back
seat side. Oh, I forgot to mention --- even with the clutch in and the tranny in
neutral, the wheels are all locked as well. I cant even push the car. HELP!
Any advice???