steering column locked
Asked by saami Sep 18, 2013 at 07:26 AM about the 2008 Land Rover LR2 HSE
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
my land rover LR2 2008 model showing message on screen (STEERING COLUMN
LOCKED), actually steering not locked but car is not starting at all, it is push button to
checked battery, fuses,starter by technician but in vain,
pl advice me if u have any idea,
your help is highly appreciated and expected.
44 Answers
Jimmydean77777 answered 11 years ago
Did figure out what the problem was mines is doing the same right now
you first remove battery cables ,and fix after 5 minutes and try to start, check fuses ,there is a fuse of steering column, if its ok, then take your car to service shop. MINE BECAME OK WHEN THEY RESET THE SOFTWARE BECAUSE STEERING NOT ACTUALLY LOCKED. i am happy to help u if u need more info.
Jimmydean77777 answered 11 years ago
I took it to the dealer yesterday and they say they can't figure out what's wrong and still want to charge me 1400 dollars (which I think is crazy) but you said reset software? I will call and tell them this thanks
i hope this will solve your car problem, i was advised to change STEERING COLUMN MODULE,also, but my problem solved only by reset the software. STEERING COLUMN MODULE COST NOT MORE THAN 500 DOLLARS,
My 2010 Freelander also showed STEERING COLUMN LOCKED.... Dealer replaced battery, instrument Cluster, Central Junction box and software upgrade ... worked for two weeks and STEERING COLUMN LOCKED message came up again and car wont start.... After all these years ... can LAND ROVER not come up with a solution to the problem..??
VickySehgal answered 10 years ago
Please see applicationNumber=32196357&applicationHeaderId=fd87aeea-a6ed- e311-b437-005056925d65 - i hope it helps
I know this is an old thread, but did people have luck with your repairs? My mechanic wants to charge me nearly $3000 to fix the problem described above! He said I need a new body control module, but I have a feeling I'm being played...
Yesterday I was trying hard to find a solution to a similar problem because yesterday morning I was surprised to find that the key of my RR vogue 08 did not turn to start the car. I called the agent. The man told me to release the battery cable and fix it again and the key would turn normally, but for my surprise he said I had to do the same thing whenever I take the key out of its place. When I asked him about the solution, he said the only thing they would do is to replace the whole steering column for about $7700. That was shocking for me as it seemed to be very simple electric fault. After searching all the forums I could find on the web, I got prepared with some optimal solutions to tell any mechanic to try to fix my car. I had the suggestions of trying harder with the key, moving the steering wheel right and left or up and down, drilling into the steering column and adding something called WD 40(I think), and replacing the ignition lock with a BMW one. Luckily, a friend recommended me a mechanic who works only on Range Rover cars. I went to him and told him about the problem briefly, he did not ask me for any details and I did not have the chance to tell him about the precious suggestions I gathered from the web. He just fixed it in less than one hour and charged me less than $200. Unfortunately, he did not allow me even to see how the workers dismantle the dashboard. I wish I had known what exactly the mechanic had done but I decided to tell my story to make people avoid being cheated by the thieves called agents.
Hello . The solution is simple 1. You buy obd2 Bluetooth. And download Dr. auto obd program .waluloj via mobile then will not show you any mistakes just wipe then the engine operation will work. I have tried and succeeded. Thank you
I just experienced the same issue with 2008 landrover LR2. It's been fine and then out of no where I went to start it and it states steering column locked even though it's not locked. It's currently in the shop with no answers yet.
I ended up getting a second opinion at the dealer, who fixed the problem by replacing my steering column. I'm interested in the solutions posed by Profysor and Walid though... Would also love to hear what your mechanic comes up with @Magd0g4
Hello I've told you the solution ancestor Dear Sirs I experimented way Connie Auto Maintenance Technicians I will repeat way again 1 in the event of the emergence sinned and the car is not working you have to follow the following steps 1 Enter Bluetooth piece in the entrance examination, a computer near the brake pedal 2-Enter the program through the mobile program OBD car doctor freeFrom the Google Play store 3-mistakes you will not show up and if Vaft appeared clear the mistakes and Engage Engine
And that could have been on this site sends an explanatory video to resolve this long-standing problem in the Land Rover but my English is not good to use Google translation I am my Arab friend of Syria and thank you
My car was in the shop for a week and they checked everything...I got my car back a few days ago and they came up with the steering column module was the problem. We didn't have to replace it but found that it needed lubricant and oiled because it was stiff (I'm not sure what that means...maybe there is mechanisms that turns inside). So far no problems but if I do then the mechanic recommend having a new module placed and programmed. They said replacing the steering column was definitely not the answer to the problem. @ mclairem
Just had same issue on a 2010 LR2 ( Freelander 2 here in UK) which I solved by changing the Steering Lock Module. I have heard that you can oil them but didn't want to risk it as it is the other halves car. I got mine here and changed it myself. I managed it just by removing the cowlings around the steering column. It took a bit of time, but using a long center punch I tapped the security bolts round until they were far enough out to use a pair of long nose mole grips. They are fitted with thread lock so won't wind out just with your fingers. Once you change it, the car won't start until you reset the fault. What I did was fit the new one but leave the old on at the side with the wires plugged in to that. This allows you to drive it to the dealer and minimise your labour costs. BTW the unit is actually a Volvo item!!.
Oliver1071 answered 9 years ago
damn I don't know what to do now. I purchased the new steering column lock PN LR037025 and went to have it programmed at the dealer here in Pennsylvania they were unable to program the lock. They said that the part# was only for European models and that in the US we have to replace the entire steering column. WTF is that!! Really $1100 for a $200 part. Mine is working after hitting it with the butt of a screwdriver and I'm still undecided if they were telling the truth or were just unable to program it. I think I'm going to call a couple dealers to see if this is correct.
Oliver1071 answered 9 years ago
Just to add I guess $800 for the column and $300 for labor is pretty reasonable for the job but It's the principle that I'm replacing unnecessary parts. If the horn goes will I have to replace the column again? :)
About a year ago my steering column showed as locked in my Freelander 2, wiggled it about, it worked so I ignored it. Happened again two weeks ago, this time no one could get it moving. Green Flag tried for two hours bless 'em. Ended up being dropped at local garage who could only replace my battery as it was now shot! Transported to Land Rover in Cambridge and they diagnosed a software fault, did that, checked it continually for two days, valeted it and hey presto all is good and only £153 down.
Hi I have the same problem with my 2010 freelander. Have been researching but nobody can pinpoint the exact problem or solution. I normally remove the battery cables and after 15 min reconnect. After the computer box reboots it starts to work again. But now the problem is more persistent and I am looking for a permanent solution. Any suggestions or solutions
Only north america land rover remove and disabled the steering column lock, that means there is no PCB in the lock. So you spend $1100 to buy an european lock is wasting money and cann't be programmed, coz there is nothing in the lock can be programmed.
nertavo beda answered 6 years ago
Hi ! I’m so disatisfied with Land Rover I bought a Land Rover LR2 after one year of driving the vehicle. The message that reads out is Columbus steering lock I tried removing the battery cables sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t took it to the dealer in Mexico from Belize via tow truck way expensive the dealer started it but 3 weeks later the same dam shit. Colum steering lock . I can’t trust this vehicle it’s not road worthy it will leave me stranded in the road with me and my family exposing us to serious danger . Really I would just like to drive it in to the Caribbean Sea and Lea=e it 8n the bottom maybe the fishes would enjoy it better .
I was having the same problem with my 2010 freelander 2. Tried all the above but problem was persistent. The final straw came when it refused to start for a whole day. Eventually took it to a mechanic who replaced a small mechanism on the steering column which send a signal to the computer box. Costed about $ 900-00. Worked perfectly until recently. Now almost a year later problem is starting again. Think LR should admit that this is a common fault and should replace all as a factory fault.
Had the same issue.. then i saw the following post and it changed my life lol. There is a module at the base of the steering column that has a mechanism that stick in it. So after taking off the lower cover and pulling the steering as far out as i could. i tapped it with a little hammer, works all the time, sometimes you have to tap it a few times to loosen it up. This should be a recall, but sadly its not. "I gave it a good whack with the butt of a screw driver and it started working again. Anyone who has 90k miles or over it may be a good idea to keep a torx driver in your glove box. It's pretty easy to remove the column cover just two torx screws on the bottom and then pry it apart. Takes a little effort to pry apart but once it's apart you can detach the forward leather boot clips and remove the upper and lower cover. Then you'll be able to give the column lock a couple whacks to get it going again"
Thanks GuruWWQ6H! I’ve had the same problem ever since last year when it first started acting up on me. Had to get my vehicle towed 5 times because of the stupid steering column lock. At first i had brought it to the dealership and all they did was reset the system and i even had them do a diagnostic test but nothing came out. The next time it happened i was without a car for about 4 months because i couldnt afford the $2000 replacement at the time so i just left my vehicle at the dealership. When i went back to try to make a deal with them we tested my car and again for no reason at all it started so luckily i was able to leave the dealership without paying anything at all. After maybe 2 months of driving my LR2 with no problem at all it happened again so i had decided to leave it at my parents house till i could finally save up to replace the dang part. Im here to tell ya’ll that i finally got it to work by doing what GuruWWQ6H said and wack that part in the picture. I didnt really wack it but i gave it a good hard tap. After about 4 times i heard a small click sound and it finally started. All i know is my vehicle is old, 2008 LR2 with 130+ miles on it so it is pretty old. The lock mechanism in my steering column may be old and the lubrication may not be as it was so im still thinking about replacing the part. It seems best.
guruWWQ6H is all over it. 2008 LR2 stranded us at dinner last night. Said steering column locked and wouldn’t start. It happened a couple years ago and the all of a sudden again last night (140k Miles). We was right: tap on the steering column module in the picture and whammo it starts! Thanks GURUWWQ6H!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+1 works for Disco 4 too! Anyone know how to replace it?
Ran into same problem; Steering Wheel Locked on 2008 LR3 (120k+ miles) after dinner at restaurant (and it's cold and rainy of course!). Searched on smart phone for suggestions like those here. Combined a few and here is what worked for me - 1) Disconnect battery for at least 5 mins (ground side) reconnect and close hood, 2) Return to Land Rover, sat inside and close all doors, 3) with REMOTE key, I locked the doors and waited until multiple flashing security light displayed indicating armed (important to wait for this!!), 4) unlocked doors with remote, opened and closed the driver door (important you open and close door!), 5) repeat steps 3 and 4 two more times exactly as described. Worked like a champ! keep a wrench in the car now for disconnecting battery as that seems to solve this and more problems. LANDO_CALRIZZION
FL2Marseille answered 6 years ago
I've had this problem for over a year. The dealer replaced the part but it continues to block the steering column. I just take off the red cable from the battery for a couple of seconds and it resets it. Frustrating to do this every single time :( I think i'll unscrew the part and just keep it plugged in.
chamithLR2 answered 5 years ago
Same thing happened for me too. 2007 RL2, dealer replaced the bloody steering column lock module but the issue is still there. only solution is removing the + terminal for a few seconds and it fires up.
I had the same issue couple of times. First time I just disconnect the battery for 5 minutes, and it works. One year later same issue, but the method didn't work. Thanks GURUWWQ6H, I tried his method really works. Actually there's a solenoid in the lock got stuck, not release as it should. So if you happen to be in the middle of nowhere, no tools, the only thing you can do is loose the steering wheel handle underneath it, then move the steering wheel up and down, left and right, in and out, shaking it very hard to let the solenoid release. It works for me. If you are at home, find a torch driver open the panel underneath the steering wheel, tap the lock solenoid, this also works for me. Very confused after reading all the threads that some friends changed the lock module, but still have the issue.
4ManNofire answered 5 years ago
So I’m guessing I will have to do the steering column replacement. I have a 2008 LR2 and mine is currently doing the same thing!! I just paid $150.00 to have a key programmed because I was told my key could have been bad. Not to mention the $221.00 I paid to purchase the key from Land Rover!
After A year of banging the lock, under the column, i went to a shop run by a bunch of ex- landrover employees, who have heard of this issue MANY times (unlike the dealership) and they simply removed the part that is causing the issues. Not a Problem since, life has been great! Dont know why the idiots at the dealership wouldnt just do the same
I had this issue the steering column would go locked and I came out to find in a YouTube video that the steering column gets locked when your tyres are not straight while parked as they exert pressure and the column gets locked since then I have made sure my land Rover lr2tyres are always straight not facing this issue for more than 8 months now
My 2008 LR2 won't start because "Lock Steering column" message. I Removed my both of the battery waited for 5 minutes then reinstalled them. The "Lock Steering wheel column" was gone and was able to start the engine. Just my luck or a solution ?, just want to share my experience on 04/03/2020 during the corona virus pandemic in Los Angeles CA I HOPE THIS WILL HELP OTHERS WITH THE SAME PROBLEM.
Hi after an immense amount of research came up with this cost effective soloution Bought the unit from Emirates Keys 2006-2014-esl-elc-scl-steering-lock-emulator Hope this helps enjoy install video link
Yazdıklarımı kendi dilinize çevirin lütfen. Umarım birilerine yardımcı olur. "steering column locked". Sabah eşim çalıştırmak istediğinde bu hatayı vermiş. Aracın yanına gittiğimde direksiyon kilitlenmişti. Direksiyonun altında bulunan kilidi açtım ve direksiyonu kendime doğru çektim. Anahtarı takıp butona bastım. O da ne; direk çalıştı. Direksiyonu tekrar sabitledim ve kullanmaya devam ettim :) Sanırım bu hatanın bir çok nedeni var. Benim karşılaştığımda bunlardan birisi sanırım. Umarım sizde bu kadar şanslı olursunuz. Saygılarımla.
During the startup sequence, the column lock is supposed to disengage. There seem to be some cases where a software issue prevents the ECU from seeing the column lock. But more common seems to be a mechanical failure of the solenoid within the lock. This is why tapping it works. But it will eventually fail. I had my lock replaced in Melbourne for about $1k. But I’ve since used my Gap IID tool to tell the computer that the lock is not fitted. This prevents it engaging and removes the requirement for disengaging during startup.
GrettaFreelander2Gir... answered 4 years ago
Hi, I had this same problem and several garages could not tell me the answer. Found this video on YouTube, tried it and it worked. The steering lock will need replacing but this trick got the car started when stranded.
Hiya - had the same problem - called AL Motors in Bournemouth. Phone was answered by Maggie who said "Oh yes that happens and we can override it quite easily and if there is a fault with the lock and it needs to be replaced that will be £400. Car on tow truck arrived, Maggie jumped in with her computer before it had been taken off the back, connected the computer, pressed a few buttons and jumped out - sorted" Total of £54 including tax. #SteeringColumnLocked
Thank you Oliver, Just follow this video
Cynthia12345 answered 4 years ago
I have a 2012 land Rover 29.000 miles.My steering first locked a few years ago when the car had been stood for 3 weeks whilst on holiday.I looked in the instruction and wiggled the wheel from side to side and it released itself.However today I drove down my drive and got out to put the car behind gates !got back in and the column was locked.I messed with it for 1/2 hour as my husband died 4 years ago( he would have sorted it in 10 minutes).but could not move it.I called AA breakdown and they could not fix it.So my options are to ring a garage on Monday as closed now and tomorrow Sunday and raging Covid everywhere and see if they can do it.I can see there are simple solutions to this problem and more extensive ones.Which ones will the garage say I have?
GrettaFreelander2Gir... answered 4 years ago
Try watching this youtube video, I watched this and did what he said and have had no problems since... Hope it is helpful... Mgt...
I got my car reprogrammed for £60, to disable the module. This fixed the issue. Otherwise it's £400 in the independent garage or £750 at the main dealer to replace it.