I have a 2005 Dodge Magnum RT and have lost power to the AC portion on the center console. I have checked everything I can think of. Not sure HOW or WHY I have NO power to this section? Anyone else have this problem?
My car sat for about three weeks and when I got the chance to finally start it the check engine light was on and the car would NOT shift out of low; luckily I found two bad fuses in the rear fuse box; changed those all is well with that ~ HOWEVER I have NO power to the lower part of the console for the air conditioning section. I have pulled every fuse in both fuse boxes; none bad. I have also tried changing some of the relays in both fuse boxes for another Magnum I have and STILL HAVE NO POWER TO THIS SECTION OF THE CENTER CONSOLE. YES, I did pull off the center console cover to insure it just did not come unplugged. ANY SUGGESTIONS?????"