I have a 2004 Dodge Neon it's a 2.0 and I replaced the camshaft position sensor and the throttle body position sensor because that's what it was telling the computer when I hooked it up at AutoZone. I replaced
I have a 2004 Dodge Neon it's a 2.0 automatic and
the check engine light came on so I hooked it up at
AutoZone and they told me it was telling them it
was the camshaft position sensor so I change that
a my car was at 3 RPM when I started it and stayed
there. I plugged it up again at AutoZone and then
it's told me it was the throttle body position sensor
so I bought that and started my car still going 3
RPMs and won't go down. I took apart the casing
from the throttle body and sprayed it with throttle
body cleaner and cleaned out the filter and put it
back in and it's still at 3 RPM I need some help