Is there a way to turn Bluetooth back on in my 2013 GMC Acadia Denali? The Bluetooth option seems to have turned itself off somehow.
Asked by Guru9RF9L Jul 17, 2017 at 02:37 PM about the 2013 GMC Acadia Denali AWD
Question type: General
I've had my car for about a year now, and it is equipped with Bluetooth
capabilities- I've used Bluetooth in the car with my iPhone 6 since I have
owned the car. However, I just got an iPhone 7, and the Bluetooth option is
greyed out on the Settings menu in my car where it was in color before.
When I select Source on the main screen, Bluetooth is not even an option
where it was before. I've turned on Bluetooth on my iPhone 7 and have tried
adding it as a new device on the Bluetooth device list in the car, but it will not
pair with the phone. GMC Acadia does show up on my phone as a
discoverable Bluetooth device, but the pairing fails. I get a message on my
phone to make sure that GMC Acadia is turned on and within range. I have
the phone in the driver's seat with me, and the car is in park when I try to pair
it. When I try again, GMC Acadia does not show up as a discoverable
Bluetooth device. I also tried pairing it with my old iPhone 6, and the same
thing happened. Any ideas? Thanks!
14 Answers
Try to delete the iphone 6 first
Same thing just happened to me! Did you ever figure out what the problem was?
Any luck with this? Mine just did it this morning
Try disconnecting and reconnecting your battery. That worked for me. FYI the battery is not under the hood. It is in the floorboard of the passenger side backseat.
I ended up taking the car in to the GMC dealership. They messed around with it and finally got it to connect. They did not really do anything different from what I was doing; it just worked for them & not for me for some reason. They did not charge me. I have not had any problems with it since.
I have the same problem with my 2013 GMC Acadia Denali and iPhone 8. I called gmc dealer and they said it would need a software update that would cost about 105 dollars.
Jesse Haas answered 6 years ago
We just had the same issue as the OP. When you go to pair the phone and the pair code shows on teh phone and car, make sure that you press PAIR at the exact same time on both the phone and car display. If you only press one it will never work.
Quickly test the battery in your car! Do not pay for a new computer. Do not pay for a scan. I replaced my battery and the Bluetooth menu appeared and the backup camera is working.
Don’t buy a new batter like this guy did ☝️ unless your batter is truly bad. You’ll know when you go to crank you car and it’s slow to crank or won’t engage the starter. Disconnect the negative terminal to your battery and honk the horn to release all electrical charges. Reconnect and vuala!
GuruSXKW3, thank you for your reply, saved us ! Upon returning from a trip my bluetooth in my 2017 Terrain turned grey, took to dealership, they made an appointment said I would have to leave my vehicle get a loaner etc. THEN I searched and saw your reply, had to take to a local mechanic to find negative post on battery, they don’t make things easy thats for sure, lo and behold it worked. Mechanic undid the negative charge for 3-4 minutes and bluetooth was back on. Thank you so much, Wanda
We undid the negative battery post! Very scary! Lots of sparks! Honked horn, didn’t honk, no power! Put back together, equally as scary! Didn’t work!
Guru94PB44 answered 4 years ago
i have a new Arcadia and it will not pair with my flip phone,it asks for a pin and nothing shows on the screen and i don't know what to enter for a pin.
Guru9ZV129 answered 4 years ago
Not gonna lie, I was pretty skeptical this was going to work. My phone hasn't blue toothed for about a week. When I went in to pair it, it was as if the blue tooth option was broken. On the menu it was grayed out and when I hit source it was gone. We found the battery. Disconnected the negative terminal. Pushed the horn which obviously had no battery so it didn't honk. Replaced negative cable. Honked again for good measure. Went back into the cars audio menu and my phone almost immediately reconnected with the bluetooth. I made a phone call right then to check it out and worked perfectly! Thanks!!
Pressed voice call button on steering wheel. said bluetooth and pair. When activating bluetooth on phone it finnaly recognized my phone. Verified codes. Bluetooth button not grayed out. Did not have to go to battery De Oppresso Liber-Sypher28