can my battery be interchange?
Asked by Lynetteandken Feb 27, 2021 at 09:18 PM about the 2013 Dodge Dart SXT FWD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
yes I was wondering if there is any way
possible that I can interchange my
battery and all of its components on
my 2013 dodge dart! I'm am such to
death of all the wiring! I just want a
normal frikin battery.
6 Answers
Did you buy this vehicle used and you are noticing non OEM wiring and a hack job? Have a local mechanic remove all the parts the extra wiring and accessories and install a proper sized battery for your vehicle. You want to pick up a H5 Group size battery, which is the proper one for your Dart.
Your car has a normal battery. It has a cover over it but it is a regular battery.
Lynetteandken answered 4 years ago
Yea but is there just a regular too post battery that I can interchange it with and not have to have all the wiring from the starter and all of this crap on the top that I have to take off. I know the battery is the correct one its not necessarily the battery I'm talking about the wiring. I just want it simple and not have to take all the crap off
Yon_Levins answered 4 years ago
It's not as tough as it looks. Do not remove or disconnect all that wiring. It all comes loose as a single unit from the battery. First you want to remove the negative cable on the other side of the battery. So you don't have to worry about shorting something out. Then loosen the bolt on the far left - lower than all the others. This will allow this entire assembly to be lifted and moved out of the way to access the two post battery underneath. Now it looks like an ordinary car battery. If you haven't purchased a battery yet and you can get the car started and to a parts store they will likely change it for you at no charge. You might want to look at some you tube videos on this to improve your comfort level.
Lynetteandken answered 4 years ago
Thank you so much for your help. I was taking each wire off. Needless to say I am a woman so I know very little about mechanics lol unfortunately some things I haven't been taught or have learned. Sometimes you have to teach your self and learn as you go. Sucks sometimes not having a significant other that helps you with things like these.
I had someone remove my battery and it appears they removed all the screws on the top before they figured out they just had to remove that one bolts. Now my radio won’t come on and my heat is stuck on high. How can I fix this?