I fixed my Check Engine Light!
I think I finally fixed my CEL on my 2013 Outback. Subaru told me after
paying them $70 for their "special" code reader that I needed to replace my
o2 sensors and my catalytic converter. A little less than $2000.00. Not so
fast Subaru! My deduction with the problem was the CEL would turn off for
a few weeks if added Seafoam or 44K to a tank of gas. That was telling me
the problem was up stream from the sensors and the cat. The sensors were
just telling me something wasn't burning efficiently. I have a limited
knowledge of modern engines with EGR / PCV valves etc. I think it redirects
unburned carbons/gasses and what not back into the engine / combustion
chamber. Maybe the valve wasn't doing it's job? Upon fiddling with trying to
remove the valve I discovered the hose leading to it was stuck on the nipple
of the valve. Like a wedding ring that won't slide past your knuckle. I could
spin the hose like a kids toy but it would not let go. I finally snipped it off
right about the valve, took my deep 19mm socket and removed the valve.
Again, what was left of the hose would spin freely. I had to put the valve into
a vice and rip the hose remnant to pieces with a hammer and chisel. It was
hardened like bakelite. I replaced the PCV valve and installed a new hose.
After about 20 miles the light went off and all systems are go. So far so
good. The valve may have been good, the hose certainly was not sealing
very well and I think that is what turned the check engine light on. The o2
sensors were just doing their job. Twenty five minutes and $20 worth of
parts sure beats a $2000 guess from Subaru. Wish me luck!