why wont my 2011 corvette grand sport crank
4 Answers
If your battery is not fully charged, the starter takes all power away to turn the starter. If the battery does not have enough charge to turn the starter, this is what appears to happen. Next time that happens, do a jump start and see if it will then start. Have the battery tested for a dead core, that will not hold charge. If this is a six year old battery, it very well could be the problem. While you're checking the battery, also look at the charging system to make sure you have the desired amount of charge going to the battery. Let us know if you find the answer. A lot of people, not only GM shares but others as well have the same issues. Perhaps batteries are not what we think them to be. It used to be a three year old battery still working was an exception. Now some last 5 to 8 years..
Battery is dead . Get it replaced or jump the car with jumper cables if you know the battery is good
Guru5Y3QV, if your 2011 has never had the battery replaced, that means it is nearing 7 years for life on a possible 5 year battery. You can have it tested and if there is any question of a cell not holding a full charge, replace it with a (costs more) very good battery. I have one in my Corvette that is guaranteed full replacement for 5 years, no questions asked. It cost a little bit more that other good batteries, but it does not discount years of use for replacement value. No issues with the battery for two years. My mechanic told me to bring it back after 4 1/2 years to replace it free with another 5 year battery. Usually car parts stores like pep boys or auto zone will test it for free. AAA has a device that when attached to the battery can test it quickly also.