Air conditioner compressor cycling every 15 seconds on and off
From my prior question on 7/21/18 on my 2014 Honda Accord air
compressor cycling on and off every 15 seconds and following the
suggestion of topping off the refrigerant since it was still blowing pretty cold
air during the 15 second cycling.............. I added about 3/4 of a 16 oz
container of R134a and it still cycles every 15 seconds on and off but really
keeps the car frosty to the point the windows start building condensate up
on them at 75 degrees outside temp. The guage on the 16 oz can of
refrigerant (Supertech brand name) reads on the low end of the pressure
guage of 25 psi (right on the green/blue line) when the compressor is
engaged. Green is the zone to add refrigerant. When the compressor stops
the guage goes to just under 45 psi. I do not want to over fill it but if it is still
reading close to 25 psi on the border line low end when the compressor is
running and still cylcing every 15 seconds on the dot should I keep adding
refrigerant? I sprayed soapy water on hose connections that I could get to
readily and did not see any leaks this way. Is it the low refrigerant relay
switch or do I still need to add more refrigerant?