Hard starting 85 F150 5.0 EFI
Seems I am having same
problem as a lot of F150 folks.
Key on pumps up 2.seconds.
turns over but no start. Been
running perfect and has been
firing right off within a couple
of seconds. But colder weather
now sometimes 6 or more
tries before it tries to kick over
and then once it fires it runs
perfectly. Hard starts only after
sitting more than a couple of
hours. Mornings the worst. I
am thinking it is the high
pressure pump. When I got the
truck it had been sitting for 9
years so I replaced front tank
and inner pump etc. Fires right
up. So from what I am reading
from other folks I need to
check the pcm and the crank
sensor? What else? I did
remove the back tank and all
the garbage involved with the
dual tank system. I am running
fuel filters to make
connections where hosed
wouldn't reach like in place of
the fuel selector valve etc.
They are a few months old
now and the tank is a year old.
It runs perfect after it starts so
I figure they are all OK. I think it
is loosing it's pressure some