I have a 86 f150 302 runs great all day if I let it sit and try to start it in the morning it won't hardly start . Any ideas


Asked by jefftheone75 Dec 05, 2015 at 08:17 AM about the 1986 Ford F-150 STD Extended Cab LB

Question type: General

5 Answers


After I keep messing with it it has startup I just had to turn it off and back on it will turn over and it starts up eventually. Fuel pump and everything is working


After I first get it started after that it starts up fine all day long

1 people found this helpful.

Sounds Like clogged injectors, or next time it does try tapping your gas tank or fuel pump 8 it's outside of the tank may work but it may be Goin out so it won't have the pressure it needs


It only does it in the morning would that be the reason? Or do you think it might be a temperature sensor?


Does the engine crank as always in the morning on non-start conditions. Meaning does the engine spin as usual, or does it spin slowly. If so, it could be battery related due to cool/cold weather conditions. On those occasions, try jumping it with a known good battery. If it starts rights up, it's probably the battery. Eliminate that first. The presence of 12 volts does not necessary mean the battery is good. You need the amperage to turn over the motor.

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