1989 Chevrolet S10 Blazer Blower Keeps Blowing Fuses
Every time I run the heater or air conditioner the fuse will blow. It's not usually immediate. But it always happens sooner or later - usually within 30 minutes, if not the hour. I think I've gone through two packs of fuses.
I've tried different fans speeds, but it still blows regardless. And I've tried unplugging the blower motor - which stops blowing fuses, even if I switch the blower to on.
Thing is, I've had to replace blower motors on this thing before - at least twice in the last 5 or 10 years. And as expensive as they are, I'd rather not replace if there could be something else wrong.
How can I tell if it is the blower motor resistor, the switch, the wiring, or the blower motor? (Would a faulty resistor blow fuses like this?)