07 crown vic Transmission help!!
I'm having the same problem with my
car, I have to hold break and rev it to
get it in drive. Once driving there are
no problems at all. Goes into reverse
fine to. Right before all this started it
would slip outta gear if I turned onto
another rd from a stop. Found out If I
turn overdrive off it doesn't happen
anymore. Was good for two days and
then this happened and now I have to
get car to operating temp to even have
a chance of getting it in drive. Seems
to have a better chance working if I go
to reverse and let it kick in and back to
drive and hit the gas (trying not to get
rpms too high) and eventually it will
drop in gesr. This has to be bad for my
tranny. Help plz 07 crown vic just paid
it off. Besides that I'm late everywhere