4 Answers
Watch the coolant temperature gauge! I do not recommend idling for a long time but people do it all the time as I have on occasion. If this is a need you have you may want to upgrade the engine cooling with a HD radiator and more fan power.
Your a/c system is designed to work at all speeds including idle, I think one of the squad cars I serviced had been run continuously for close to a month 24/7 with the a/c on. Like I said the systems are built for it and won't cause any problems.
Oilspill1000 is correct. Unless there are unusual circumstances, you can leave your car at idle for lengthy periods (easily an hour or so) without incurring any damage. If the outside temps are extremely hot (90 degrees and up) your system will be taxed more but still OK. If these conditions exist, do what emergency vehicles do - raise your hood to increase the engine's ability to dissipate the hot air around it.