XT Forester stalls while driving
Asked by bobyou Aug 03, 2016 at 05:53 AM about the 2015 Subaru Forester 2.0XT Premium
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
My new 2litre XT Premium Forester sometimes just turns its engine off while I'm driving it - happened 10 times now - dealer has fitted a recorder - not conclusive - Fair Trading says - leave it to the dealer. It's really a safety issue! What else can I do?
15 Answers
The recorder will help them find the issue. Intermittent problems can be very difficult to find. Give them some time.
Thanks Bob, but it's been 6 months, and on its 3rd recorder!
Wow, you may have to invoke the lemon law on this one.
Unfortunately, there isn't a lemon law in Australia!
Corsa_2142 answered 8 years ago
can you tell me what happen to your forester. I also got issue with my forester xt. the whole engine shut off
bought forrester feb 2018 and it is already stalling out this is just march what do i do
Possible CVT issue. What does your dealer say about it?
Nobody's saying anything! The local Subaru Service Dept put a recorder on it for a month (when it actually did it) - couldn't work out what all the messages were - sent them to Subaru Australia - too hard for them - they sent the info to Fuji Japan - no answer! This can happen a couple of times a day, then nothing for 3 months!
Thanks - I would, except there's no Lemon Law in Australia!
arteest103 answered 6 years ago
My 2018 Forester is doing the same thing. I’ve had it to the dealer twice. This last time it was towed. Apparently, this is a known issue. It isn’t safe! The dealer hasn’t even attempted to get in touch so I called this afternoon and the dealer didn’t answer the phone! I’m pretty angry—I haven’t even had it a year.
I've had the car for 28 months - stalled 14 times. Each time it happens - back to the service department - nothing in memory. They take it for a drive - naturally perfect, as they'd probably have to wait 2 months, so they give up and suggest that I can't drive! I'll concede - that I sometimes use my left foot on the brake, as my right ankle is NBG - so what? Dealer says "That's it!". Insurance company says "We'll still insure the car, but don't try to claim when you hit something because you've no brakes or steering - you're driving an unsafe vehicle."
I have a 2016 XT and it has stalling/stuttering issues. Had it to the dealer multiple times. Codes are not showing anything wrong although it is obvious that there is a fuel/air mix problem. They are changing the wiring harness to see if the "codes" can tell them what they need to know. My dealer is in contact with Subaru engineers to come up with a fix, but this may well be beyond what they are capable of fixing. A cautionary tale for prospective Subaru buyers (this issue has been reported on other Subaru models as well).
Sorry, I have this problem also. Usually happens when I hit accelerator from a stop. Other times it takes forever for it to respond to accelerator as if it's about to stall but barely comes back to life. Safety issue no doubt. Do you also get the surging problem?