2014 Dodge charger police pursuit AWD right tail light won't come on
My Right Rear tail light won't come on in my 2014
dodge charger police pursuit vehicle. I ordered a new
tail light assembly figuring everything else works but
that side of the led lights. I opened the compartment
up and found someone disconnected the white/violet
wire from the harness and for some strange reason
tapped it into a blue wire looped into itself but not
hooked to anything. I'm planning to probe the wire
running through the body to see if it has power, as
everything else has power I don't think its grounded
anywhere. Not sure what's the voltage going to the
white/violet wire to test that pin on the light to see if it
lights up. This had to be done before I bought the car
but I never noticed until now. If it's a shorted wire and
not the led light, can I tap into the white/violet bulb on
the drivers side or even the center light in the trunk?
The turns and hazards all work, just not the right rear
tail light. Is the center led array white /violet as well?
Gotta find my meter. Thanks in advanve