Honda Accord Lights & RPM Flickers
I have a problem with 1999 honda accord, all lights flicker, RPM goes crazy, changed
alternators 3 times(used ones), electrician installed the scanner and turns out alternator is
issue as during test drive voltage drops as low as 12.4V on scanner BUT in stationary
position alternator never drops voltage less than 3.4V while turning ON lights, Aircon,
entertainment system etc, can anyone explain WHY? Also does this flickering of RPM
have any impact on ECU driving the fuel system? my 2 cents are that since voltage is
flickering its also disturbing the fuel system as ECU is not able to send stable pulses to
fuel system? car runs heavy under 3000RPM but drives like a charm just above
3000RPM? plz help me out of this misery, engine is F23A4