Is there a way to clean the fuel injectors? And is that what you would recommend?
Long story short, I put fuel injector cleaner in my tank everything seemed
fine. Later on in that same day, I was driving up a hill and the car started
sputtering and I had a total loss of power. I couldn't get it over 20 mph or
over 3000 rpms in second. It would barely start once I stopped on the side
of the hill. Got it towed home and it roared to life. I let it sit for about a
week, and I replaced the fuel filter. The gas that came out of the filter was
black with some chunks in it. I could still hear a sputter at about 4000+
rpms I bought this car used so Im not certain what has and hasn't been
replaced. Is there a way to clean the fuel injectors, or should I go straight
for changing the pump and sifter?