Honda Accord overheated! Now smells like burning rubber/plastic and AC does not work! HELP!!
I was driving from Iowa to Colorado when I was moving when, A hail storm hit and I had
to pull over. As I was pulled over my air vents spit "mist" out at me. Soon about an hour
later my car overheated and I had to pull over.
I pulled over, waited for my car to cool down and put coolant back into the radiator. I had
to pull over maybe 2 or 3 times to do this until I arrived at my home in Colorado. I
changed the thermostat and bleed the coolant. STILL my car smells like burning rubber or
coolant, yet there is no sign of any leaks when I open the hood to look.
I have tested the AC pressure lines as I thought maybe I needed to recharge it but the
pressure was fine. My air will be somewhat cold until my car heats up.. Which is quickly.
The fans don't seem to kick on until the car is overheating (which has not happened
lately) or when i turn the AC on (which only will blow half ass cold air for half a second).
Changed the thermostat to one that just lets coolant flow when the car overheats so no
sign on the thermostat of overheating yet my car will not blow cold air and still smells like
burning rubber or plastic. PLEASE HELP!!