Fuel filter
2 Answers
Its on the firewall near center bottom. The only thing I remove for access is the plastic air intake tube from the air filter to the throttle body. From the driver's side of the car stick your left arm down between motor and firewall in the center. You'll cuss like a sailor trying to swap it. It takes has two plastic clips holding the fuel lines in and a band clamp with an 8mm nut holding it up. Make sure you pull to disable the fuel pump or you may have fuel spraying everywhere when you disconnect it but using either the inertia switch in trunk, pulling the fuse or relay. If the car has an automatic transmission the trans dipstick is right in the way too so if you will probably scratch up your arm. The fuel line at the bottom is hard plastic and will kink if you aren't careful which is bad. You may want to take the battery out and battery tray for more room to work but I've never done that but it would be safer for sure. .