Car won't start, why.?
Asked by Estherdan Aug 05, 2016 at 10:02 AM about the 2010 Kia Soul 4u
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
i have a 2010 Kia Soul. I've been to the dealership 3 times and and they still
can't find the problem. This morning we are taking it in again.
Problem? Every now and then I get in the car put key into ignition and it
won't turn over. It makes an attempt to turn over, I hear a bit of grrrr grrrr but
no starting. I try again and sometimes nothing and sometimes it starts. If
nothing again then I wait 10 or 20 minutes and then it will start. I am so
frustrated becomes the last time it left me stranded after a night shift and the
next day when I got a tow truck it started. Looking at my records I have it
looked at approximately once a year every June or July. Why is this
happening and what is it?
64 Answers
Ronny11010 answered 8 years ago
crank it over and if it wont start turn the key off and put the petal to the floor and try to start it. It could be a sensor.
Ronny11010 answered 8 years ago
or there is also a antenna coil faulty in some of them and it's an interlock with the key and is a safety feature which could cause the car to start on and off.
Auto_Centric answered 8 years ago
Locate a competent electrical tech, Post the name of this Hyundai and Kia Dealer so people can avoid them too. I see all the guessing, with the factory scan tool (GDS) or new (G-Scan 2) this is minutes worth of diagnostic work to locate the issue exactly! A dealer as this in my area is Blacklisted quickly people aren't so forgiving! come back 3 time heads roll! LOSING. were not talking Shady's corner repair.
Apollo_1946 answered 8 years ago
I have the same problem. My 2014 Kia Soul intermittently will not turn over. It just clicks. I took it to the Jim Sipala's West Chester Kia in PA. I had a brand new battery placed and again it happened the same week. I took it in again. They had it for a week or so and it turned over for them. My care again did not start then it turned over a few hours later. I did not take it to the shop. Last night it left me stranded at work. It clicks. The lights go on. But the car does not start! HELP!
Estherdan has had this problem twice. each time we replaced the antenna sensor coil and it was good for about two years inbeteewn coils. Insist with the dealership to just do it. They can!t seem to figure out why this solves the problem. We love our Kia again.
My 2014 Soul is leaving me stranded about every other day now, sounds like the same thing as Apollo _1946. Any new news on this? It's been into Kia twice, they can't get it to NOT start! I get somewhere and it won't start!. Antenna coil, huh?
All I can say is our car is still doing well after the antenna coil was replaced. It starts every time. We asked for the old coil back and we noticed a slight bend in the sensor coil which could have been the reason why the car would start sometimes and not other times. It seems bizarre that it was a sensor coil but it sure was worth taking the risk at putting a new one in as we were ready to sell the vehicle. I really don't know why Kia is having such a problem with this as I know several people who have had the same troubles and it is about high time they realize it's a common problem.
I'm having this same problem in my 2012 Kia Soul. Sometimes it starts fine, sometimes it just doesn't turn over. Thought it was the battery so we replaced the battery. Still happens. Took it in to the dealership (it moved to North Hills, CA - really has gone down hill since bought by Galpin. After 5+ years of great service in Van Nuys, will NOT return to this new site.) As per the code they got, they replaced the camshaft sensor. 3 weeks later, I'm having problems starting the car again, but it's intermittent. Clearly the camshaft sensor didn't fix it. Have to find another tech because I am not going back to Galpin Kia.
Guess what, it happened again. I'm fed up, replaced the antenna coil 3 times.. I bought a new car and it is not a Kia as I have a very bad taste in my mouth. Contacted Head office of Kia and they don't give a dam and ignored me. I loved the looks and roominess of the Kia Soul but no longer felt that I could rely on it. I'm glad it's over, I have a different make a feel safe again.
Have a 2014 Soul. Intermittently will not start, lights come on , navigation screen has a message about battery drain. Had roadside assistance and they moved shift lever back and forth several times and it started. Took to the dealer (JT's Kia) and they could not replicate the issue. Read where you should jiggle shifter and open/close drivers door to reset theft control; this seemed to work when the car would not start for a couple of weeks; happened at least once a day for two weeks. Then had car towed in when would not start; started at dealer but after service writer tried several times, he got it so it would not start. Relayed that to the mechanic - said technician needed to replicate the issue but could not. When we went back to the dealer, customer before us was telling the writer she had the same issue with another Kia. The result is that the dealer has no idea where to start' we left the car with them and if they can't fix it, we will trade it - not on another Kia! We love the Soul but don't trust the reliability.
I bought a 2014 Kia Soul and just encountered the same problem. And the dealership makes you feel like an idiot when they can't duplicate the problem. I think they know it has a problem but they try to act like potato heads when trying to find the problem. Someone is in bed with Kia. With so much focus on internet and phone scams, we forget about the scams that's right under our nose.... Auto maker/Auto repair Scams
I have a 2010 Kia Soul and the same thing is happening to me. Replaced the battery and boom! 3 days later it wouldn't turn over. Called the dealership and was told to bring it in WHEN it happens. HUH? If it won't start, how can I drive it!
I have the same issue, turn the key and all the lights come on, radio plays. Battery tested good. Tried to boost no luck. All we get is a click. I picked up a starter from the wrecker's about a year ago when the same thing happened, and it fixed the issue. I grabbed another one and will replace it this weekend.
I've been having the same issue.. worked for me to turn headlights on and back off
My boyfriend has 2015 Soul kia he drove his car into the curve he broke his axel and his tire is messed up nd his airbags deployed, My Question Is that can Soul kia be a fixable vehicle!?
Mphoenix27 answered 6 years ago
I had the same issue with my 2013 Kia Forte Ex. Randomly this summer it's not starting just click click click. One hot day while stranded I came across a thread somewhere that suggested I try putting the car in n and then cranking. IT HAS WORKED EVERY TIME NO HESITATION. I think it's something to do with the heat, ac or something cause in the year I've had my car it only started this a few weeks ago. Maybe more frequent oil changes in the summer, idk. Good luck I hope that works for you guys!!
I'm having the ignition problem with my 2014 Soul, as well. I'm curious...does anyone have this problem away from home? I don't remember it not starting when I was away. Could there be electrical interference in my garage? The dealer has my car and says unless they can get it to duplicate the problem they can't fix it. They don't want to start replacing parts and I can appreciate that, but at some point I want a solution
I am having a similar problem with my 2011 Kia soul 1.6 auto. I turn the key and all lights come on, I then try start the car and the engine turns but does not start. It is definitely getting fuel.
Same issue with 2012 just started happening this past month . Does not start shut off move gear shift starts up 98,000 miles
I have q 2010 soul I have no spark
HowlinWolf answered 6 years ago
Try starting it in neutral. Fixed it for me.
Hi, I have had this problem with my Kia Soul 2011 before and finally took it to the dealership. I thought it was my key fob because it would work when placed in the glovebox slot for push boutton start back up. It would intermittently not start when I'd push the button and press the brake. The brake would not go down all the way and the steering column would lock the accessories turn on but the engine does not. I believe at the dealership they told me it was the brake light switch and because mine had a short the car could not recognize that the brakes were engaged and start. Sounds really fake but we shall see, that was about two years ago now it's happening again.
I have the same issue as others here I have a 2015 Kia Sorrento that will not start the lights and all come on and then just a click. If i get a jump the battery is ok but if i sit with the battery listening to music as I did today the car would not start. I hate this have not had the car but a couple of years
clutch peddle switch
TRY THIS! I found this on a different forum but is very helpful. My dad also told me to always check for a good ground for 12 volt systems (your car). My son's 2012 Kia Soul had the starting issue. It would click sometimes and would usually start with a little turning n and off the key but sometimes after several minutes of trying. The fix is to remove the ground wires from frame and sand all the paint off to bare metal to get a good ground. There was one from the battery to the frame on the drivers side and one on the passenger side from the frame to the motor. I also added my own ground wire from the ground (negative or black) on the battery to the motor. Be sure your battery terminals are kept clean too. We have not had any issue since.
I have a 2012 soul and am having the same problems. I had it at a shop thinking it was the fuel pump but they found that it wasn't getting compression in the cylinders. They said that I should send it to the dealer for warranty. The dealer got it started and now is saying there isn't nothing wrong. They said the compression is good. Has anyone figured out the issues yet?
Most of these were that it would not crank over. No compression means it is cranking over but not firing for some reason.
I have 2010 kia forte replaced fuel pump started 2 days now wont turn over at all. What could it be?
I have a 2015 kia Saul, I'm having the same problem. I replace the battery and had a trickle charger put on because I do not do enough millage with her. Again 2 week later same thing she is not starting, I plug her with the big charger for 5 hrs no start, took my power pack plug her she started, go figure, she is in the garage I'm so discourage!
2013 Kia Soul doing exact same thing as all of you above .. is this not grounds for some kind of recall??
I have the same problem with my 2013 Soul. If I get a jump it starts right up. Also had trouble with terrible gas mileage. Took it to the dealership a number of times. Was told I was a two footed driver!! Was so angry I could hardly stand it. Called Kia, they don't give a damn. Never buying any Kia product again!!!!
The intermittent start problem with Kia Soul is a real hazard. Sometimes it would go for weeks and no problem, then, just get clicks when trying to start. Everyone MUST start filing complaint with NHTSA. There needs to be a recall issued for this problem. Why isn't Kia fixing this problem?
I agree this needs to be a RECALL!, and/or the problem should be covered with our warranty. I have a 2015 Kia Soul+ with about 52,000mi, had the battery replaced a few months ago, then this crap started! Always afraid I am gonna get stranded somewhere. Starts right up after being jumped. Grrr
Had that problem, Kia could really care. Solved the problem with trading the Kia for a Honda and telling Kia I would never buy another product from them (again, they didn't seem to care). Really liked the car but don't want to be stranded at a rest area on the highway.
Determined10 answered 6 years ago
I have a 2018 Kia Sorento, just purchased it about 6 weeeks ago. Not many miles on it. Had not had this problem until tonight. I got in my car to leave work, and it would not start. I turned the key on...... nothing. Tried it again.... nothing, then the third time I ever so slightly pressed the gas pedal when I turn the key on, boom, it started. Have not called he dealership yet...but I’m going to and I will file a complaint with NHTSA.
not_tamika answered 5 years ago
We had the same problem this morning with our 2016 Soul Plus. It would not start, just lots of clicks. After a few tries, my husband came inside and we thought about how we were going to get to work that day. He went back out 15 minutes later, and it started without issues. Last year, it randomly died while he was driving twice, but then was fine until this April. So, not really excited to take it do a dealer yet again only to not be able to duplicate this problem and diagnose it. What is going on?!
2015 Kia Forte would not start. Sounded like it wanted to start but would not kick in. Tried a neutral start and it worked like a charm.
Auto_Centric answered 5 years ago
Appears as the Kia Soul is a big FAIL in 2019...Kia said it is recalling 378,000 2012-2016 Kia Soul vehicles over engine damage and fire risks, while Hyundai and Kia are recalling 155,000 2011-2013 Tucson vehicles and 2011-2012 Sportage vehicles over possible oil pan leaks in a separate callback.
Well, I'll join this club... A month ago my 2013 Soul began having an intermittent problem starting. It cranks multiple times and most times will eventually turn over but runs really badly like it's not getting fuel. If I then shut it off and restart, it starts right up and runs fine. This happens sometimes multiple times in a day, or sometimes not at all for several days. We've changed spark plugs, checked the battery, replaced the air filter, even had a mechanic run a diagnostic but they could not reproduce the issue so they couldn't begin to try and fix it. I called a dealership and they had no idea based on the description but I'm going to try taking it in and see if they can figure it out. Maybe these cars just crap out after 6 years? :(
PissedMommy answered 5 years ago
I just filed a complaint. I am having a starting issue as we speak. My care wouldn't start 2 months ago and I had the starter replaced through warranty. I just ran into a issue last night starting my car again. So I had it towed to the repair shop they said it was the battery. Soon as I drove off my car stalled on the road side. Right now they are looking at it again and believe no fuel is getting where it needs to be. I have a 2015 Kia Soul only had it a year. The mileage is only 75000 I should be having these problem with a car less than 4 years old. Should I trade in for something else while i can try to cut my losses.
Bestbuyer2313 answered 5 years ago
OK... I have a 2012 Kia soul a year or so ago my Kia would stall after driving for a hour or so..or in the morning. Went to mechanic he replaced crank sensor 2 times in a months period and still did the problem. So I bit the bullet and went to the Kia dealer by my house...they did a fuel flush then he looked at a box in the rear.. There is a filter that is like a box behind the rear bumper and it was the dealer cleaned it and I haven't had the problem sense.
So having read through all of these issues, my issue is very much the same. I have a 2014 Kia Soul Exclaim. It currently has 91K miles on it. I have had this car for a year and it started having this same issue about 2 months in, but like everyone else I quickly did a internet search and youtube search to see if other kia owners were having a similar issue, and found out yes they were. I have been able to do all these tricks and the car start each time and I have just moved along no issue. I am a single mom and my job is very important to me and my family. Last week was the one time I tried to do everything that we are supposed to and it still didn't work, I had to have it towed to my mechanic, aggravating, I was sick with worry. I missed work and wasn't happy and to add insult to injury the car started as soon as the mechanic got in and tried it. I have an excellent mechanic who did a thorough investigation of the car, and couldn't find a reason for what happened. It continues to give me a panic attack each time I get in and try to start it to and from work and I am now daily living in fear that I will have to call in because the car wont start. This is unacceptable. I have filed a report as has been advised. I called the dealership I bought it at and they told me to call a Kia dealer because they don't have the right tools to fix it (oh please). I also had had my camshaft sensor show up in a diagnostic, had that checked into only to be a false alarm, and now this. I am so discouraged this is the first real car I have ever bought for myself, and I thought finally something dependable, until this all started. I am going to contact the Kia dealership here this morning and see what they say. I will keep you all posted if I learn anything new or find a solution. Good luck everyone.
I also have a 2014 Kia Soul. About a year ago, I began having the starting problem. The AAA guy who came to tow it told me that I had not fully placed it in park. Once he did that, it started fine. Of course, then it happened again. When I took it to the Kia dealer, they said there was a problem with the gear shift not going into park if you don't FIRMLY set it when parking. They replaced the gear shift (still under warranty at the time). After that, it happened again once or twice, but stopped once I made sure to firmly seat it in park. Now it is happening again with the replacement part (no longer under warranty). It WILL start if you put it in neutral and then replace it back firmly in park. (From these posts, I assume you can also start it in neutral). It seems to happen mostly when I park slightly uphill, as in a driveway.
I just bought a 2011 Kia Soul, have had it less than 2 weeks and 5 days after I got it, the car would not start. It is like all the others mentioned. When I try to start it; everything will turn on but when I crank it, nothing. I have tried moving the gear shift, repositioning the key. It will eventually start but it is frustrating and scary when it wont. I do not want to get stranded. The car dealership is no help.
2015 Kia Soul It has 102,000 miles on it and at 101,000 it started having a starting issue. The first few times all the dash lights went on and there was a clicking sound, but it didn't start. About 5 days later it did start so I drove it straight to the dealer. It stayed there for a full 5 days and started every time for them. I picked it up, drove it for 2 weeks and one morning it decided not to start. This time all the dash lights went on, but no click. Judging from what I have read here I will be filing a complaint and then shopping for a new car that isn't a Kia. I love my Soul, but can't live in fear of being randomly stranded.
I had this problem for a year and the dealer could not get it to happen. The third time it did. They replaced the “inhibitor” switch and it has started every time for 3 weeks. Have them check yours out!
My 2014 Kia Soul hasn’t been starting in the past two days now and it wants too start but it won’t i think there needs to be a recall on this because this is unsafe and sometimes it starts just fine but some days it doesn’t want to start.
We have a 2014 Kia Soul and have been having the same starting issues as many of you. Turn key - dash lights come on - noise from engine and that’s all. The thing I found odd is that we bought this used a year ago. It’s a 2014 car that already had its manufacturer batter replaced with another manufacturer battery in 11/2017. Odd, I thought. But, if someone suspected the battery was faulty because it wasn’t starting, that would make sense. Yes, Kia needs to ‘own up’ to this and if a government order becomes necessary for that to happen, then let’s git ‘r done.
Three years and always during the winter months my 2015 Kia Soul ! (25K miles) has problems starting - always with the battery below 70%. I had taken in my vehicle many times, battery replaced, all parts checked and scanned and still no joy. Was noted by a dealership that since I live extremely close to work the vehicle does not have enough time to put a charge back to the battery. I find this highly suspicious since I had owned multiple vehicles and NEVER had an issue like I do now. Judging by the comments above I believe something needs to be done. I should not have to drive 20 minutes on the highway or charge my battery at work before going home.
Estherdan, is the attached photo the antenna coil you changed....... All I can say is our car is still doing well after the antenna coil was replaced. It starts every time. We asked for the old coil back and we noticed a slight bend in the sensor coil which could have been the reason why the car would start sometimes and not other times. It seems bizarre that it was a sensor coil but it sure was worth taking the risk at putting a new one in as we were ready to sell the vehicle. I really don't know why Kia is having such a problem with this as I know several people who have had the same troubles and it is about high time they realize it's a common problem.
Have your mechanics check out the inhibitor switch. Mine has started every time since they replaced it.
People might want to check there connections with the their car battery to make sure they are sound. There is alot of wiggling involved to loosen up the casing around the battery that is connected to computer which is housed right next to it. I recently changed out my battery a couple of months ago and my connection had gotten loose.
I just took mine for the third time. They could never recreate it. He said now that it did it for them as well, and it's the starter.
arethaqueenofsoul answered 5 years ago
Try wiggling the hot feed casing on battery. If it starts while someone does this then check connection to solenoid. This is where my father found my car's problem. It had lots of corrosion on the bolt. He had to disconnect battery first and then clean up the connection to solenoid. So far so good.
2015 Soul just replaced battery and having starting issues like everyone, dealer can’t figure it out, will call Kia and then file a complaint. Thank you everyone
Had similar issue. 2011 Kia Soul 1.6l manual. Had a crank, no start issue a couple of weeks after replacing the battery. Seemed to start ok when cold, but wouldn't re-start when the engine was hot. If I waited 20 min - would start up again. First thought was fuel pump. Pugged in the scan tool when it was in a no start state and it couldn't connect to the computer - turns out the main relay was bad. When they get hot, the traces on the board in the relay can get flaky. Can cause all sorts hard to trace issues, because it won't throw a code either. Have been told it is apparently a somewhat common issue. It provides ground to both the computer & also triggers the fuel pump relay. $10 and I was back running again. If you cars cranks but wont catch - it is worth a look.
I have really enjoyed my 2010 kia soul, its a 5 speed manual, but recently when I drive around stop and go or 5th gear for about 45 minutes, when I come to a stop my car shuts off, when I try to crank it back up it just clicks, I get lights and AC and radio but it doesn't turn over, If I sit for about 20 minutes it will turn over but is shaky, if I leave it longer it will run fine for another 40 minutes and same issue. I have let it run in neutral in my driveway for 6+ hours and it did not turn off. I have replaced the battery and the alternator, I've had it at a mechanic and they cant find an issue. any tips or help would be appreciated.
My 2016 kia soul have the same problem as everyone else...bought it two months ago and today it won't start... put new battery in and still won't start..don't know if I wanna keep this car or not lol so frustrated
2018 Kia Soul Plus with 32,000 miles. I am having the same stupid intermittent starting problem. Sometimes is starts right up. Other times I have to put the key in try to start it, turn it off a few times and it starts. Then there are times it has to be jumped. It left me stranded at work in a major snowstorm for three hours last night ( as tow trucks were obviously extremely busy). It is now at Kia for the fourth time. The first three times they could not duplicate the issue. This time they were able to duplicate the problem. Now it’s sit and wait until they figure it out. With all of the complaints there has to be at least a service bulletin on the issue!
Update: I posted a year ago about my 2014 Kia Soul exclaim having this same issue. Well it only got worse, replaced the starter and then my engine blew, had to replace my engine only to get a letter in the mail the other day saying they are now recalling and they want to either replace it or repair it. Hope they pay my out of pocket costs too for doing their job for them. Disgusted doesn't even cover it.
Sensor coil or poor ground for guage cluster... mine also had this after moisture condensed in undergrooung parking when I came in from the parkinig lot where it was -30C... I finally got it going but the transmission was locked... released it manually through port in front of shift lever. No tach no speedo weird cluster lites some blinking off. Dealer said $2300 for the Cluster and reset of the KMS> Took apart cluster...fairly easy to do if youa tubed. Cleaned put together... still did not work... then apart again and cleaned the contacts for the mileage display connector with Electonics spray... that did it fixed it... Now why would the stealership not suggest that. a WET ground on a connector. Now 3 years later problem with starting and no tachometer... but most lights are okay.... Yesterday was very damp and cold and rainy.. would almost start then did not start then tacho missing when running... etc... my guess is somewhere a bad ground to the BCM or cluster.
Guru91LT8K answered 3 years ago
I have the same issues my 2011 Kia soul . I turn the key and all lights come on, I then try start the car and the engine turns but does not start. I leave the lights on and wait from the yellow light to the right of the screen turn off, put it in N and it starts.
Brake light switch is faulty.......when car lights up but won't start on the push buttons. .you are welcome.....years of frustration finally solved!!!. I had already replaced it but the replacement was faulty and causing the Intermittent starts