2014 Kia Soul won't start

Asked by Guru9MG2Z Jul 25, 2017 at 04:53 PM about the 2014 Kia Soul Base

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

My 2014 Kia Soul won't start every now and then. All the lights on dash
come on but no crank sound. Took it to Dealer today. So far they haven't
found the problem. After reading several posts on here about this happening
to others. I'm sure the Dealer won't find the problem the first time and so
many trip back to them will start. I really hate this because I love my car. But
may have to trade for something else soon.

5 Answers


It could also be the starter or the alternator? or even possibly something having to do with electrical issues...

4 people found this helpful.

Same problem with my 2012 Kia Soul. I had the camshaft sensor replaced but am still having intermittent problems with it 3 weeks later. After scanning these forums, I have narrowed it down to these possibilities: - the antenna sensor coil is faulty and needs replacing - the crank and camshaft position sensors are out of synch - problems with the CVVT (the variable valve timing system) Also read that the code "P0011" is not a CPS fault, but a CVVT issue, so that is likely it. Found this thread, maybe it will help: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/hyundai-kia-engine-performance- common-cvvt-system-faults-juarez

6 people found this helpful.

My friends of Kia Souls, I, or rather my recovery driver has solved the problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My 2013, Soul has been having intermittent starting problems, as described, for the last 3 days it's been sat outside my house, until this morning, my recovery driver, moved the drivers mat back, and it started first time!!!!!!!!!! Apparently the mat worms it,s way forward, and stops the clutch pedal being fully depressed, which you MUST DO to start, he simply moved it back, PROBLEM SOLVED, no don,t thank me, thank my recovery man!!!!

11 people found this helpful.

My wife 2014 Kia Soul Exclaim had the same starting issues with just a click, but always started on the 2nd through 4th try. I Removed the Starter and found that the positive Cable nut on the Starter Solenoid was a little loose. I also noticed that the starters ground strap wire from the Starter to the right side Solenoid Ground Terminal was corroded. I believe the corrosion was the Problem, but since I had to remove it: I just replaced it with a new one from E-bay for 80.00

1 people found this helpful.

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