My brakes work but they don't lock when I push all the way down I have to brake sooner than normal

Asked by ricanshadow Aug 18, 2015 at 03:39 PM about the 1993 Honda Accord LX

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

5 Answers


Do you know if your car has anti-lock brakes (ABS)? If so, they are designed not to lock up on you when braking hard and your car is working properly. If not, have your brake system checked by a competent service provider.

My father in law said that it could be the back system but Idk cuz they do work but not even my ebrake works


Your Ebrake not working could just be a broken or disconnected cable or lever or missing shoes inside the drum, if the rear brakes are drum type. As to your other problem, yoiu are not completely clear as to what your problem is and need to be more descriptive of the problem, but based on what I think you mean, I will suggest the following. You may be low on brake fluid, or have air in the brake lines, both of which suggest a leak in the system. You may just need new brake pads and rotors or brake shoes and drums. I cannot tell you which because you have not said which type of brakes are on the car. If you are describing a "spongy brake pedal which makes the car take longer to stop, which is what I think you mean, it suggests that 1 or more of your brake lines (the rubber hose parts that go to each wheel), have deteriorated and broken loose inside causing the rubber to block the flow of fluid each time you step on the brake pedal. With no info as to the mileage and how the car was maintained, or how mechanically inclined you are, I would suggest you go to a mechanic or brake shop and be prepared to spend $1000 to $1300 on a complete new brake job which would include NEW rotors/drums, pads/shoes, 4 new brake hoses. The price is about average for the north east US. Let us know.

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