there is a ticking noise when my 2004 Hyundai XG350 is idling. The garage tells me this is normal as there are hydraulic lifters in the engine and until fluid is distributed throughout the engine this noise will continue. Does this sound accurate?
2 Answers
What the garage is describing is a condition that would only be present for about the first 5 seconds or so after the engine is started. If you continue to have upper cylinder noise throughout the driving cycle, it may be a sign of a more serious issue. I'd take it to another local shop for a second opinion, preferably one that a friend or family member uses regularly and recommends highly.
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Sammy1z123 answered 7 years ago
It sounds correct but not for extended periods of time. Yes, there will be some ticking, but if there is loud ticking, it could mean some thing as simple as low oil.