Car stalling and dying at low idle


Asked by Bob May 19, 2015 at 05:21 PM about the 2001 Hyundai Accent GL Sedan FWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

Hi, I have a 2001 hyundai accent that is
sputtering on the freeway but If I stay on the
freeway it will stay running but if I get off it
will die as I am slowing down to stop. Once
it dies, it will not start again. I have been
able to make it home a couple times by
putting it in a lower gear where the idle is a
little higher and if I don't stop completely
while in first, it will stay running. Help would
be greatly appreciated!!!

I have recently replaced the battery, battery
terminals, spark plugs and spark plug wires.

8 Answers


have the computer scanned for codes. check for vacuum leaks. possible culprits are IAC valve or TPS. also, when was the last new fuel filter?

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I bought it not too long ago so I'm not sure about the fuel filter, I'm actually at oriley getting one now to try that. There is no engine light that comes on so would they be able to read the error with a computet?

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They may not scan it if there is no code, but there can s till be a stored code. If you recently bought it, there could have been an intermittent light. If the auto parts store won't do it, it is still worth it to find someone who will. With those symptoms, there should be something.

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bad connection with fuel pump relay, bend pins a little to make relay tighter in socket relay gets hot well driving weakens socket and makes bad connection to relay, had problem with both of my cars. it's known with this car i have two that had same problems cost me crazy money just to find out it was bad connection with fuel pump relay.

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Will the IAC cause it to die when given gas?

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I have a 2011 Hundai Accent and a similar issue has happened with my car. It drives perfectly fine, but on a really hot day as I go to stop it suddenly dies. It may or may not start back up immediately but will do after some time has passed. My neighbor thinks it's the fuel pump but I'd love to know if anyone else has any ideas.

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My 2009 Hyundai Accent has been doing a similar thing where it will die while stopped at a red light. The battery works and the lights will be on but the engine will just die. May or may not immediately start again.

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