I have a Pontiac firebird 1976 with 455 engine and auto transmission. My city where I live, the weather temperature is 120 F so my engine coolant temperature reaches to 220 F during driving. When my e
I have a Pontiac firebird 1976 with 455 engine and auto transmission. My
city where I live, the weather temperature is 120 F so my engine coolant
temperature reaches to 220 F during driving. When my engine coolant
temperature reaches to 213-220 F, I sense my engine efficiency comes
down too much and when I push acceleration pedal fully, my car run very
well but when the gear want to shift from one to two suddenly the car
engine is going to die and turn off then I release acceleration pedal then
very smoothly shift the gear to two. In addition when I stop the car and shift
gear to parking position if I suddenly push acceleration pedal fully again the
engine going to turn off.
Really when the coolant temperature is under 210 F everything is OK but
when it goes more I face problem when I push acceleration pedal fully.
For your information my fuel tank and carburetor are clean