Escape air conditioner
I have a question is there a setting on the 2017 Ford
Escape that turns your air conditioner all the way off when
you shut down the engine? I will have the a/c power on
and then when I park and shut off the car and go inside
somewhere when I restart the car the a/c power will be off
and I have to push it back on
6 Answers
That is probably normal operation but read your owners manual or ask your Ford dealer.
F_O_R You think that's standard? I just bought it last Week and it didn't start doing that today. I have never had to turn the a/c back on everytime I get in a car before. I have looked in the Manuel and it doesn't mention anything about it
You should have said this is a new development. Take it to Ford.
Did you ever get an answer to what the problem was? We have this same thing happening right now and we’re in the middle of a road trip to Colorado.
My 2018 Escape does this too. I have had the car about 5 months. When I get back in the car, and turn it on, the air conditioner is not on (even though all the knobs are still in the on position). I just turn the knob to Max, and the A/C comes right back on. Weird. It has probably happened 10 or 12 times, with no pattern that I can guess. I'm in Texas in the summer. It can happen no matter whether it is 110 degrees or 90 degrees. I have never had this kind of problem with any of my past Fords. What is it?
I wonder if this is a Eco type function to save gas. My Fords default to the OD being on when I start it.