Possible seized motor.
Daughter car-2000 Infinity V6
Said started sputtering, then cleared. Half
mile later died. Now will not turn over. Light
radio etc all come on. When key is turned can
hear starter engage but will not turn over.
Tried jump, nothing. BF reported smelling
what he referred to as "clutch packs" burning
but tranny fluid is clean and looks new.
However it is two quarts low on oil and oil is
black as tar. Barring a safety feature to shut
it off when pressure drops I can see no
reason it will not turn over aside from engine
is seized. Did this car have such feature and
would the starter still engage if shut down
has been tripped, as well as once it shut
down how would it be reset? A short while
back it was overheating and I'm reasonably
sure engine is seized. This was last night so I
haven't had a chance to try to turn motor by
hand yet.