ABS Light On, Mileage Ticker Flickers, Slow to Accelerate
I am having a problem with my Rodeo. Last weekend, I found a flat tire and had the
spare put on. Today I took it into the car shop to order a new tire, and on the way
back, I noticed I was having problems accelerating out of a complete stop, like at a
red light. My ABS light was also on, and my mileage ticker on the dash was flickering
on and off completely. The dial that shows RPMs was going haywire, and the dial that
shows MPH was going haywire. The MPH dial was also indicating that I was going 5
mph even when I was at a complete stop at a red light. I am terrified to drive it, even
to the shop, I'm a college student and my dad who knows cars is 330 miles away. It is
a 2001 and has a little over 154,000 on it. Never had any major problems out of it
except at last Christmas, when my serpentine belt snapped or something on the way
home. When that happened, all of my dash lights came on while I was on the
interstate and the car slowly came to a halt. Could it be the same problem or
something different?