when i get into my truck and push clutch to put in first it has no give it goes straight to floor and wont go into first or any gear at all..
Asked by migration_chevylife Oct 10, 2013 at 01:42 PM about the 1999 Ford Ranger XLT Extended Cab SB
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
13 Answers
Your Hydraulic clutch has a problem. The high effort may be due to the Slave unit hanging up on the transmission input shaft (Bearing Retainer), your firewall may have broken at the Master, or the Master has just blown out - or any combination of them. Get someone to operate the pedal while you watch the Firewall and check for leaks.
Your '99 Ranger has a hydraulic clutch. Start by checking fluid
Your post was not there Tracy. chevylife his answer is better than mine but it says goes straight to floor...
Duh! Where did I get "hard to push then goes straight to the floor"? I meant to help - honest! :)~
Well...all good information.....
migration_chevylife answered 11 years ago
ok so how much u think this all will cost?
That's impossible to answer without knowing exactly what is wrong. The Clutch Master Cylinder and slave Cylinder Assembly, which includes all hydraulic hoses is $200 plus tax and shipping, The master cylinder alone is $45. Slave Cylinder $80. Yeah, I see... buying separately then adding them up is less than assembly but buying separately you don't get hoses and other parts you will need. Assembly even includes Reservoir. Labor, if you are not a DIY mechanic is very hard to predict. Did you check the fluid in reservoir? Fill and bleed? It could be that simple. It uses DOTIII Brake fluid.
Click on that image and have a look, then get under there and make sure the pin, bolt.... whatever it is that attaches pedal to Master cylinder plunger to the pedal lever is still attached, the pin has not sheared or fallen out. And if you have drops of brake fluid in your parking place it may have been losing fluid for a while, slow leak, and it does not have a whole lot to begin with
This image will get much bigger than the other one and easier to see. Do you see the pin I am talking about on the pedal lever? That one. And if you follow the image of that down to where it shows bolts, that is where is passes through and is bolted to firewall. I have seen that happen, the firewall gives from thousands of pushes on the clutch and over time can begin to crack, then finally separate.
I have a 99 dodge dokota sport. My clutch goes right to the floor. The other day it started squealing loud everytime i pushed in my clutch, i drove it home and parked it. I CHANGED THE SLAVE AND MASTER CYLINDERS. The clutch still goes to the floor. What else should I do??
The release fork may be bent or damaged, the throw-out bearing may have come apart or wou didn't get all of the air out of the hydraulic clutch system You may need to pull the transmission to actually see what's going on. If it was making noise, I'll bet that it has something to do with the bearing.
00 ford ranger clutch only comes half way up when i push down won't go in to gear anyone have sugestion
Guru9ZDVQK answered 4 years ago
Hey my 2001 ford ranger truck is trying to start when I simply push the clutch in to shift gears! Sounds like turning the key when vehicle is already on. Any idea why this is happening??