on a 2005 kia sedona when timing belt is off crankshaft should pulley spin all the way arund
8 Answers
What size engine is this? It may be a interference engine. I hope you have ben doing this by hand and not with the starter.
It is a 3.5 V-6. I replaced right (rear) head last summer and then around Thanksgiving engine started giving me problems. Head was out of warranty and it was winter so I brought it to a local mechanic he installed a new head on engine then called me and said the engine seized. I towed it home and took the timing belt off and the crankshaft turns just about to TDC but then stops. I know your are suppose to turn it by hand but now I'm questioning if the mechanic knew this.
The 3.5L Kia engine is a interference engine. All I can say is to try and be moving the timing marks closer to where they belong on the camshafts, along with getting the crank shaft to TDC. Hopefully the starter was not used, or the valves would be bent. See if you can work the timing marks into place. If you can, get a belt on it, see if it will rotate and if everything is good, then do a compression check on it. Have all the spark plugs out.
With the belt off, the camshafts move freely and all the way around and so does the crankshaft except for right at TDC. So I do not believe the valves are bent (especially since it's a new head I would be very upset if they are).The only thing I didn't do is remove the spark plugs, could they be interfering with the crankshaft?
No, they would have to be the wrong plugs. Would it be coming up on the compression stroke? Take the plug out and see.
update on this question. I pulled the head off and found that the two valves on #1 cylinder (intake side) actually broke and punched a hole in the piston, but #3 and #5 were actually fine. I talked to the mechanic and he said that he knows about the interference engines, he said he turned the engine by hand 2 times double checked the timing marks then turned it again 2 more times. He started the car and it ran for a good 30 seconds before he heard a noise, he turned car off checked everything then started the car again and it stopped dead. I think there was a defect in head that I got, I don't think it was timing since 3 and 5 were unaffected and perfectly fine. What do you think?
I have a 2005 kia sedona 3.5 v6 when out of time because when i took the balancer out the timing sproker came out also so my question it its ok to put it back on time with no problem
We now know what happened, when mechanic tightened the tensioning pulley he tightened it the wrong way. When car was running timing belt jumped and destroyed new head. So sad and mad, worst part is mechanic doesn't want to take responsibility for what he did.