Outside drivers side door handle is broke
3 Answers
remove door panel,their is 2 small bolts that you have to remove to get it out,plus the rod that is atached to it inside.
waterboydf answered 13 years ago
The one I am fixing has the handle rod clip hole broke, So you have to buy another handle. Hopefully you can find a used one with the same color as the car. you need to remove the dr. panel which consist of three screws (one screw is under a plastic plug in the bottom of the panel handle cup) and five or so clips which pop out when you apply lite pressure under the panel to them. Then it you need to remove the rod for the inside handle and lift the panel up and out of the door. Unplug the electric windows switch and the rest is self explanatory.
StoobieMelo answered 10 years ago
My driver's side door handle has broken twice! The first time, my auto body shop had to order a new handle and paint it. The second time, the hex nut on the left side of the handle came loose and fell inside the door (left, when looking at it from the outside). Rather than pull the plastic sheeting off the inside of the door panel to find the nut, I just replaced it with an extra hex nut I got from some Ikea furniture. To do this, I didn't need to completely remove the door panel. I just removed three screws (handle, latch, and bottom) and pulled out the bottom and sides of the panel, which are just held on by some plastic clips. Then I reached into the hole by the handle to screw on the hex nut with my fingers and tightened it with a pair of pliers. So if your problem is similar to mine, you need: 1. a Phillips screwdriver, 2. a hex nut, and 3. something tiny to pry out the plastic cap covering the door handle screw.