Media wont work in 2018 ford focus
The radio, music and all other blue tooth things was
working perfectly fine until one day it just suddenly
stopped. The radio and the screen works, it's just when I
press the media button the 2 options for blue tooth or
media app pops up but wont let me click on the blue tooth,
it's like it ig kres the request. Even when I try to go to sync
settings it wont let me enter into it. Our phones show the
sync option in blue tooth but it has trouble connecting.
When we turned the car off and back on it started working
for like 2 minutes then refused to play bluetooth anything.
Even voice commands wont work only the radio and
everything but bluetooth, media, or sync I've noticed this
Does anyone know what is going on with our car and how
we can fix it? We're on a long driving trip and would love our
music and movies back.
Thanks in advance. :)