2001 lincoln continental rear supspension sags sometimes. One time I will come outside and it is down, other times no.Mechanic checked it out by spraying soap on the bags, but did not see any leaks.Could it be the line or just replace the bags and be done? Or convert to springs? Thank you
4 Answers
More often, it is the lines. The plastic lines and fittings harden, crack and leaks. The repair shops spray the bags because they are easy to change and they make a good profit selling them. Air lines are cheap and harder to install = not much profit. --- You could convert to regular springs or maybe air shocks.
You could also install new air lines if you find a leak. All you need is some ramps, basic hand tools and time
I guess the air line could be leaking. I saw the bags being sprayed and their was no bubbles anywhere? Is their much involved changing the line? Thanks.
" Is their much involved changing the line?" --- Find the leak. Measure how much line and what fittings you need. Install the new line where the old line was. --- You'll need fittings, pipe thread tape or dope, air lines and tools.