Driving requirements during the break-in peroid
My question is regards to specifics for the “break-in” period for our new 2018 Forester 4i.
Under section 8.2 "New Vehicle break-in driving" the manual states: "Do not drive at one constant engine or vehicle speed for a long time, either fast or slow."
This is open to interpretation. This makes me wonder, what is constant and what is a long time.
Question, would buying the car (9 miles on it) and driving off the dealer's lot, then proceed to go down the interstates for about 75-100 miles for approximately 1.5 hours, be advisable? Even if cruise control is not used? Followed by additional trips of the same, with very little non-highway speeds in between each trip during the break-in period. I have been given conflicting answers on this matter. Please clarify if the above would be advised against until the 1000 miles break in is completed.
Complete Section 8.2
New vehicle break-in driving – the first 1,000miles(1,600km)
The performance and long life of your vehicle are dependent
on how you handle and care for your vehicle while it is new. Follow these instructions during the first 1,000 miles (1,600km):
- Do not race the engine. And do not allow engine speed to exceed 4,000 rpm except in an emergency
- Do not drive at one constant engine or vehicle speed for a long time, either fast or slow.
- Avoid starting suddenly and rapid acceleration, except in an emergency.
- Avoid hard braking, except in an emergency.
The same break-in procedures should be applied to an overhauled
engine, newly mounted engine or when brake pads or brake linings are replaced with new ones.